General Committee Minutes 2007 |
- Jan.08.2007
- Feb.05. 2007
- Mar.05.2007
- Apr.02.2007
- May.07.2007
- Jul.09.2007
- Sep.10.2007
- Oct.01.2007
- Nov.05.2007
- Dec.3.2007
I. MRC Chairperson Report:
Chair Bagué deferred entertaining a motion on the MRC’s November 6, 2006 meeting minutes, due to lack of quorum
Chair Bagué welcomed new MRC members Governor Crist, and Senator Frederica Wilson, and thanked outgoing MRC members Governor Bush, Rep. Gus Barreiro , and Tony Garrastazu , whom were all tremendous long term MRC members and strong supporters of the River.
Chair Bagué stated she was pleased to announce the MRC and Managing Director, Brett Bibeau, are being awarded the “Miami Image Award” at the Realtors Association of Miami and the Beaches’ Installation and Awards Luncheon, Friday, February 2nd, 11:30 at the Biltmore Hotel.
II. Consideration of Proposed Façade Treatment to Miami-Dade Water Sewer Department’s (WASD) Riverfront Pump Station #1
Mr. Bibeau provided copies of the Miami River Corridor Urban Infill Plan’s page 53, which recommends the WASD’s riverfront pump station #1, located on NW North River and NW 3 ST, be facaded, and featured a rendition of an example aesthetic façade treatment. Mr. Bibeau presented the WASD renditions of a proposed façade treatment to their riverfront pump station #1 building structure, featuring some of the art deco treatments from the Historic Scottish Rite Temple , located directly across the street in the designated Lummus Park Historic District. Mr. Bibeau explained the WASD is seeking the MRC’s formal acceptance of the provided rendition. Mr. Bibeau noted the December 2006 MRC Greenways and UIWG minutes represent favorable findings of the façade renditions to the structure, which is adjacent to a new section of the Miami River Greenway and two riverfront restaurants. Mr. Bibeau noted the Infill Plan’s rendition included new landscaping in addition to facading the structure, and suggested the MRC recommend landscaping as a future phase.
Chair Bagué noted without quorum, the MRC was unable to consider a motion on the item, and asked if any of the present members objected to the WASD’s proposed façade treatment of the riverfront pump station #1 structure. Hearing no objections, Chair Bagué asked MRC staff to circulate the WASD renditions with remaining members, and if there are no objections, she would indicate the MRC’s support for the proposed treatment, as suggested by the WASD.
III. MRC Subcommittee Reports
Mr. Bibeau distributed subcommittee reports to all present MRC members.
A. Dredging Subcommittee – Chair Bagué stated Mr. Eric Buermann, Chair of the MRC’s Dredging subcommittee, was unable to attend the MRC meeting, therefore asked Mr. Bibeau to highlight components of the provided written report. Mr. Bibeau stated The FY ’07 Energy and Water Bill, which the Senate included $7 million for dredging, will not be adopted by Congress. Therefore, a Continued Funding Bill is anticipated in February, which would either include the same level as the previous fiscal year, $3.5 million, or provide continued levels of funding per Army Corps program.
Mr. Bibeau reported authorization to execute the “Local Advanced Funds” Agreement was unanimously approved by the INLUC Committee in December and is expected to go before the Board of County Commissioners on January 25, 2007. The project’s “Remaining Benefit to Remaining Cost” (RBRC) ratio will improve as the project moves forward, since the remaining costs would continue to decrease, while the benefits of the project are primarily contained in completing the final AS-15 at the river’s confluence with Biscayne Bay. An improved RBRC would make it more likely to include the federal cost share balance due in the President’s budget submittal, therefore making it easier for Congress to appropriate the necessary amount. If the available local cost share for the project is allowed to be utilized at a rate faster than the federal cost share, there is currently sufficient appropriated funding to complete AS 7-10, and in the meantime secure one or two additional federal Fiscal Year appropriations, improve the RBRC, and generate additional “left-over” and “supplemental” federal funding as the project moves forward.
Mr. Bibeau stated in summer of 2006, various elected officials and project stakeholders wrote letters to ACOE General Strock and Mr. Rob Portman, Director of the President’s Office of Management and Budget (OMB), in support of including the $26 million federal cost share balance due to complete the project in their FY ’08 budget submittal to Congress, which would increase the probability for Congress to appropriate the amount. The President will release his budget in March 2007, and historically Congress has been able to add $3.5 million for the project above the president’s budget request.
Mr. Bibeau added the Dredging subcommittee’s next regularly scheduled third Wednesday of the month publicly noticed meeting will be held January 17, 10 AM, at 1407 NW 7 ST.
B. Urban Infill Working Group (UIWG) – Chair Bagué stated Mr. Jim Murley, Chair of the UIWG, was unable to attend the MRC meeting, therefore asked Mr. Bibeau to highlight components of the provided written report.
Mr. Bibeau stated the City of Miami ’s Planning Advisory Board will host two “ Miami 21 – Eastern Quadrant” meetings in the near future. The UIWG’s recommendation, to create a riverfront district with different requirements than landlocked parcels, such as larger riverfront setbacks, requiring publicly accessible riverwalks, etc. hasn’t been incorporated into the draft. Mr. Bibeau noted for example that the riverfront building setback is the “rear setback”, which in the draft “Miami 21 – Eastern Quadrant” is often only 10 feet-wide, rather than the 50-foot building setback from the riverfront formula for properties east of the NW 5 ST Bridge, as required by the City Charter. Mr. Bibeau noted the MRC recommended the City Charter’s 50-foot building setback formula be applied river-wide, with the exception of low-density residential and marine industrial properties, where an on-road greenway rather than riverwalk is appropriate. Mr. Dubin asked if narrow parcels were subject to the 50-foot setback regardless of width, and Mr. Bibeau replied the setback formula has an exception for properties less than 200 feet wide, the required setback becomes 25% of the properties width. The MRC is scheduled to consider creating their advisory recommendation regarding the draft during the February 5, 2007 meeting. Mr. Ruano asked whom the UIWG discussed their recommendation for Miami 21 to include a specific “Riverfront District”, and Mr. Bibeau replied it was discussed with Luciana Gonzalez, City of Miami Planning Department, during her presentation of the draft “Miami 21 – Eastern Quadrant” to the UIWG.
Mr. Bibeau reported the UIWG continues to solicit any transportation recommendations for the ongoing Miami River Corridor Multi-Modal Transportation Plan, and announced the next publicly noticed and regularly scheduled second Tuesday of the month UIWG meeting will be held January 9, 10 AM, 1407 NW 7 ST.
C. Greenways Subcommittee - Chair Bagué stated Dr. Ernie Martin , Co-Chair of the Greenways Subcommittee, was unable to attend the MRC meeting, therefore asked Co-Chair Lavinia Freeman, Trust for Public Land to provide the report. Ms. Freeman stated she was unable to attend the MRC Greenways subcommittee’s December 2006 meeting, therefore deferred the report to Mr. Bibeau.
Mr. Bibeau reported several sections of the Miami River Greenway remain under construction. The first six Miami River Greenway Historic Markers, funded by a grant from the Villagers, have been installed. The temporary draft panels are scheduled to be replaced with the final porcelain enamel panels in January. The Greenways subcommittee would like to thank the Villagers for their generous grant, and schedule an unveiling event in February.
Mr. Bibeau noted the Greenways subcommittee’s December minutes include continued research of any and all means to provide the necessary maintenance, security and special events to ensure the Greenways long term success.
A significant special event, the second annual Caribbean June Fest, would like to be held at Lummus Park in June, yet the riverfront area, which broke ground to construct a riverwalk in 2003 remains incomplete, and would need to be improved prior to the festival. Mr. Ruano stated if Lummus Park is not ready by June, the event producers should consider another riverfront site, such as Jose Marti Park . Mr. Bibeau explained the proposed event producers indicated they had met with representatives from Commissioner Spence Jones office, whom offered support for having the event in her district, which includes Lummus Park . Mr. Ruano asked Mr. Bibeau to provide him with further details regarding the event and its organizers, and he would direct them to the appropriate City representatives.
The next regularly scheduled second Wednesday of the month Greenways subcommittee’s publicly noticed meeting will take place January 10, 2 PM, 1407 NW 7 ST.
D. Stormwater Subcommittee - Chair Bagué recognized Ms. Sallye Jude, Chair of the MRC’s Stormwater subcommittee, whom differed to Mr. Bibeau. Mr. Bibeau noted the subcommittee’s December 2006 minutes reflect the City Commission is expected to consider a design / build contract to dredge Wagner Creek and the Seybold Canal on February 7, 2007 .
South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) staff has indicated they would like to increase the MRC’s current contract with $15,409 for the MRC to provide the Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department for continued smoke testing of the sanitary sewer system adjacent to Wagner Creek, in order to seek additional e-coli sources, which would be repaired.
The Water and Sewer Department is scheduling a meeting with the two riverfront restaurant owners adjacent to Pump Station #1, to discuss the potential of using a portion of the Station’s vacant parking lot for free valet service parking spaces, as recommended by the MRC.
The Stormwater Subcommittee is scheduled to meet Wednesday, January 10, 10 am, Miami River Inn, 118 S. River Drive .
E. Economic Development & Commerce (EDC) Subcommittee - Chair Bagué, stated EDC co-chairs Megan Kelly and Chairman Bruno Barreiro were unable to attend the meeting, therefore asked Mr. Bibeau to provide the report. Mr. Bibeau reported the EDC is seeking $22,170 to contract two FAU Professors to conduct a “Miami River Economic Analysis”, as authorized by the MRC Executive Board. Mr. Gary Winston inquired about the nature and accuracy of economic figures for the Port of Miami and Port Everglades recently reported in the Miami Herald. Ms. Amy Gonzalez Hernandez replied she would provide economic analysis information for the Port of Miami .
Mr. Bibeau reported the EDC is seeking an update from Miami-Dade regarding the response to Manager Burgess’ November 2005 memo to the Board of County Commissioners, “directing the Tax Collector’s Office and Property Appraiser Department to further evaluate the specifics of the (Working Waterfront’s) bill”, after which the Manager expects to advance a recommendation.
F. Public Safety - Chair Bagué recognized Mr. Winston and Mr. Ruano, Co-Chairs of the Public Safety subcommittee, and welcomed City of Miami Marine Patrol Police Officers Gonzalez and Faris. Mr. Winston asked the Officers for a report on the status of derelict vessels on the Miami River , and Officer Gonzalez replied there is a process in place for the effective removal of vessels deemed derelict. Mr. Robert Weinreb, City of Miami , stated the Florida Inland Navigational District (FIND), continues to provide the City of Miami with grant funding for derelict vessel removal city wide. Mr. Gonzalez stated the Marine Patrol is currently planning waterfront public safety for major events such as the Super Bowl and the launching of a new Navy Vessel, neither of which will close navigation along the Miami River ’s federal navigable channel. Dr. Bohnsack, Miami River Marine Group, reported the Miami River Security Committee’s next meeting will be held in February.
IV. New Business
Chair Bagué stated Ms. Kathy Vogel’s term as a FIND board member has expired, and noted her strong support to provide FIND grant funding for projects along the Miami River , including but not limited to dredging. Therefore Chair Bagué stated she would like to send a letter of appreciation, on behalf of the MRC, to Ms. Vogel. The present MRC board members concurred, and Mr. Ruano suggested the letter cc the Governor.
The meeting was adjourned. |
Ms. Irela Bagué, Chair of the Miami River Commission (MRC), led attendees through the agenda starting at noon , Monday, January 8, 2007 , Robert King High, 1407 NW 7th Street , Miami , Florida
Miami River Commission Policy Committee Members and/or Designees attending:
- Irela Bagué, Chair of the Miami River Commission
- Amy Gonzalez-Hernandez, designee for Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Alvarez
- Robert Ruano, designee for City of Miami Mayor Manny Diaz
- Gary Winston, designee for Miami-Dade State Attorney
- Richard Dubin, President of the Miami River Marine Group
- Captain Beau Payne, designee of the Miami River Marine Group
- Dana Nottingham, Downtown Development Authority
- Sallye Jude, Neighborhood Representative, Appointed by Miami-Dade County
MRC Staff:
- Brett Bibeau, Managing Director
Others attending interested in the River:
- Fran Bohnsack, Miami River Marine Group
- Lucy Perez, South Florida Water Management District
- Robert Weinreb, City of Miami
- Mark Bailey, Merrill-Stevens Yachts
- Patricia Harris
- City of Miami Marine Patrol Police Officer Gonzalez
- City of Miami Marine Patrol Police Officer Faris
- Lavinia Freeman, Trust for Public Land
I. MRC Chairperson Report:
Chair Irela Bagué asked for a motion on the MRC’s November 6, 2006 and January 8, 2007 meeting minutes. Vice-Chair Phil Everingham moved to approve the MRC’s November 6, 2006 and January 8, 2007 meeting minutes. The motion was seconded by Dr. Ernie Martin , and unanimously adopted.
Chair Bagué stated Mr. Robert Villar has replaced Ms. Amy Gonzalez-Hernandez as the designee for Miami-Dade County Mayor Carlos Alvarez. Chair Bagué welcomed Mr. Villar to the MRC board and thanked Ms. Gonzalez for her support.
Chair Bagué noted the Realtor Association of Greater Miami and the Beaches had presented the MRC and Mr. Brett Bibeau, MRC Managing Director, with the “Miami Image Award” on Friday, February 2, 2007 to honor the MRC’s continued efforts to improve and educate the community about the Miami River . Chair Bagué invited MRC board members to partake in a photo opportunity with the award plaques, and commended Mr. Bibeau for his good work on behalf of the MRC.
Chair Bagué noted MRC staff is continuing to plan the 11th annual Miami Riverday Festival, and sponsorship opportunities remain available through the end of the month. Ms. Ashley Chase, MRC Assistant Managing Director, noted this year’s Riverday will be held on Saturday, March 24, 2007 , 11 am to 5 pm , Jose Marti Park , 350 SW 4th Street .
II. MRC Subcommittee Reports
A. Dredging Subcommittee (DSC) – Mr. Eric Buermann, Chair of the DSC, stated they had reported last month that the FY ’07 Energy and Water Bill, which the Senate included $7 million for dredging, would not be adopted by Congress. Therefore, a year long FY ’07 Continuing Resolution (CR) is anticipated to be signed by the President before February 15, 2007 . The CR will provide the funding per ACOE program rather than project, therefore the Corps has the authority to potentially provide the Miami River maintenance dredging project more than last fiscal year’s $3.5 million. Therefore, the DSC is respectfully suggesting the members of the Dade Congressional Delegation to request the ACOE to include as much of the River Maintenance dredging project’s $26 million federal cost share balance due, in their “Work Plan”, which will be submitted to Congress in 30 days.
Mr. Buermann reported authorization to execute the “Local Advanced Funds” agreement was unanimously approved by the Board of County Commissioners on January 25, 2007 . The agreement would allow all remaining previously appropriated local funding for the project to be spent faster than the federal cost share, so that acceptance sections 7-10 would be dredged with the remaining local funding, leaving acceptance sections 11-15 to be funded with the $26 million federal cost share balance due. Mr. Buermann added DERM’s top critical priority legislative requests in 2007 are the final $26 million Federal and $13.8 million State (as well as $800,000) appropriations to complete the Miami River maintenance dredging project. Mr. Buermann noted the President’s FY ’08 budget submittal will be released today at 3 PM , and it is rumored that it will contain $4.5 million for the project, which is $1 million more than last year. Historically Congress has been able to include $3.5 million over the President’s budget submittal, which if secured would result in $8 million in FY ’08, reducing the federal cost share balance due from $26 to $18 million. Mr. Buermann explained that when the FY ’08 budget process commenced in Summer 2006, elected officials and business owners conducted a letter writing campaign to the ACOE and OMB, requesting $26 million for dredging in the President’s FY ’08 budget submittal. Mr. Buermann thanked everyone who wrote in support of the project.
Mr. Buermann added the ACOE announced during the January DSC meeting that they intend to award future acceptance sections this month, therefore dredging will recommence by early summer. Mr. Buermann noted Mr. Brett Bibeau will attend the Dade DC Fly in on February 28 and March 1, to support the County’s $26 million request. Ms. Sallye Jude, asked if the Corps had formally accepted the proffered Local Advanced Funding and Mr. Buermann replied the DSC is recommending the Corps expedite their acceptance of the local funding, which normally takes 3-6 months. Mr. Buermann and Mr. Bibeau noted there is no guarantee that the entire $26 million federal cost share balance due will be secured over time. Mr. Buermann noted the Honorable Congresswomen Ileana Ros-Lehtinen and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz are scheduled to take a Miami River boat tour to discuss the project on Friday, March 2, in an effort to obtain support for the project.
Chair Bagué stated the MRC will be happy when the dredging contractors remobilize and will then recommend the Corps keep them working until the project is completed. Mr. Buermann thanked Chair Bagué and Managing Director Bibeau for their continued successful efforts on behalf of the project.
Mr. Buermann stated the Dredging subcommittee’s next regularly scheduled third Wednesday of the month publicly noticed meeting will be held on February 21, 10 am, 1407 NW 7 ST.
B. Urban Infill Working Group (UIWG) – Mr. Jim Murley, Chair of the UIWG, noted the subcommittee’s December minutes reflect their meeting with Subrata Basu, Assistant Director of Miami-Dade County ’s Planning Department, regarding the Infill Plan’s recommendation to create design standards and guidelines for the area adjacent to the Miami Intermodal Center (MIC) identified as “MIC associated development”. Mr. Murley explained Mr. Basu agreed the MRC’s suggested planning process is appropriate and timely and suggested the UIWG create a one page summary of the recommendation to create the “Upper River Plan”, which he would forward to the County’s Planning Department.
Mr. Jim Murley stated the City of Miami ’s Planning Advisory Board is scheduling two “ Miami 21 – Eastern Quadrant” public meetings in the future. The UIWG’s recommendation, to create a riverfront district with different requirements than landlocked parcels, such as larger riverfront setbacks, requiring publicly accessible riverwalks, etc. hasn’t been incorporated into the draft. Mr. Murley noted the UIWG would continue to track the progress of “ Miami 21.”
Mr. Murley added the UIWG again solicits any Transportation recommendations for the ongoing Miami River Corridor Multi-Modal Transportation Plan.
Ms. Jude asked if the UIWG could urge developers to create “green-friendly” buildings along the river corridor, and Chair Bagué noted the MRC had supported, and continues to support, this request in the 2nd Annual Update of the Miami River Corridor Urban Infill Plan, and subsequently created the Energy and Water Conservation Report. Ms. Jude added she recently attended an excellent “Green Conference” and suggested the public sector consider providing incentives to encourage the use of energy and water conservation technologies. Chair Bagué stated the SFWMD provides SIP grants to fund water conservation retrofits, and added the SFWMD is hosting a public SIP grant informational meeting on February 7, 9:30 am, 2121 SW 3rd Avenue, 6th Floor.
The next regularly scheduled 2nd Tuesday of the month publicly noticed meeting will be held here on Tuesday, February 13 at 10 AM .
C. Greenways Subcommittee – Dr. Ernie Martin noted Greenway sections remain under construction.
MRC staff distributed a special event proposal from the Kona Kai Art Gallery , and the draft invitation to a free Miami River Art Show on February 23 & 24. The proposal notes the MRC as a sponsor, at no cost to the MRC, and 10% of the Galleries proceeds will be donated to thee MRC for additional historic markers along the Greenway. Dr. Martin noted the Greenways subcommittee recommends the MRC endorse this in-kind sponsorship, and added this is the type of special event which was envisioned to bring visitors and activity to the Riverwalk. Ms. Jude made a motion to sponsor the Miami River Art Show, the motion was seconded by Mr. Everingham and unanimously adopted. MRC Staff also distributed an invitation to a free special event in Fort Dallas , located in Lummus Park .
In response to Ms. Jude’s request to receive an update regarding Greenways maintenance, Chair Bagué stated the MRC continues to focus on this issue. Chair Bagué stated she had met with City Manager Pete Hernandez, and Dr. Martin stated he had met with Mr. Dana Nottingham , DDA. Ms. Jude noted City Commissioner Marc Sarnoff supported means to accommodate future greenway maintenance, and Dr. Martin noted he would meet with him to address this issue.
The next regularly scheduled second Wednesday of the month Greenways subcommittee’s publicly noticed meeting will take place on Valentine’s Day, February 14, 2 pm, 1407 NW 7 ST.
D. Storm water Subcommittee - Ms. Sallye Jude stated the City of Miami received three responses to their Wagner Creek Phases 3-6 and Seybold Canal dredging Request for Letters of Interest, and subsequent Request for Information. The City Commission is scheduled to consider the administration’s recommended firm in March 2007. Mr. Skornick noted the SFWMD $1 million for the project appropriated in 2003 was reprogrammed, yet once the City hires a contractor, they would consider returning funding in the FY ’08 budget.
The Storm water Subcommittee’s next regularly scheduled first Wednesday of the month meeting will be held this Wednesday, February 7, 10 am, Miami River Inn, 118 S. River Drive.
E. Economic Development & Commerce (EDC) Subcommittee –Ms. Megan Kelly noted the EDC is seeking $22,170 to contract two FAU Professors to conduct a “Miami River Economic Analysis”, as authorized by the Executive Board. Ms. Kelly reported the EDC mailed letters to potential funding sources and is considering a variety of grant opportunities. Ms. Kelly added the EDC is seeking an update from Miami-Dade regarding the response to Manager Burgess’ November 2005 memo to the Board of County Commissioners, “directing the Tax Collector’s Office and Property Appraiser Department to further evaluate the specifics of the (Working Waterfront’s) bill”, after which he expects to advance a recommendation.
F. Public Safety – Chair Bagué noted the Miami River Security Committee, Chaired by Joe Pinon and coordinated by the Miami River Marine Group, continues to meet monthly at the Coast Guard base. The Coast Guard continues to randomly inspect the Miami River ’s shipping terminals compliance with the requirements in the Federal Maritime Security Act. Dr. Fran Bohnsack, Miami River Marine Group, reported the Miami River Security Committee’s next meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 13, 2 pm , Gator’s Den.
IV. New Business
Chair Bagué directed MRC staff to distribute a legal opinion from the SFWMD’s retained attorney which clarifies the former uncertainties regarding lobbying. Mr. Everingham stated the Miami River Fund, Inc met in January and decided not to retain any intergovernmental affairs consultants. Dr. Bohnsack asked if the decision was a result of a lack of funding, and Mr. Everingham replied no, and added the MRFI will meet to discuss the new distributed legal opinion on the issue.
Chair Bagué stated her term with the SFWMD expires on March 1, and is therefore seeking re-appointment from the Governor. Dr. Martin stated Chair Bagué has done an excellent job and he would write the Governor recommending her re-appointment to the SFWMD. Chair Bagué stated if she leaves the SFWMD and MRC boards, she will continue to volunteer for their positive causes.
The meeting was adjourned. |
February 5, 2007 | THIS IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT
Ms. Irela Bagué, Chair of the Miami River Commission (MRC), led attendees through the agenda starting at noon , Monday, February 5, 2007 , Robert King High, 1407 NW 7th Street , Miami , Florida
Miami River Commission Policy Committee Members and/or Designees attending:
- Irela Bagué, Chair of the Miami River Commission
- Philip Everingham, Vice-Chair of the Miami River Commission
- Robert Villar, designee for Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Alvarez
- Eric Buermann, Member-at-Large, appointed by the Office of the Governor
- Megan Kelly, designee for Mr. Barry Johnson , GMCC
- Richard Dubin, President of the Miami River Marine Group
- Steve Wright, designee for City of Miami Commissioner Joe Sanchez
- Dana Nottingham, Downtown Development Authority
- Dr. Ernie Martin , Neighborhood rep., appointed by Miami City Commission
- Sallye Jude, Neighborhood Representative, Appointed by Miami-Dade County
- Carmen Polanco, designee for Ms. Sara Babun (arrived during Item II)
MRC Staff:
- Brett Bibeau, Managing Director
- Ashley Chase, Assistant Managing Director
Others attending interested in the River:
- Jim Murley, Florida Atlantic University
- Fran Bohnsack, Miami River Marine Group
- Evan Skornick, South Florida Water Management District
- Robert Weinreb, City of Miami
- Mark Bailey, Merrill-Stevens Yachts
- Patricia Harris
- Jeffrey Hooper, AME Shipping
I. MRC Chairperson Report:
Chair Irela Bagué asked for a motion on the MRC’s February 5, 2007 meeting minutes. Mr. Robert Villar moved to approve the MRC’s February 5, 2007 meeting minutes. The motion was seconded by Mr. Gary Winston , and unanimously adopted.
On behalf of the MRC, Chair Bagué welcomed Mr. Eric Buerman’s newly appointed MRC designee, Horacio Stuart Aguirre . Horacio is a Miami River homeowner in the historic Durham Park neighborhood, and has attended numerous MRC meetings and events over the years.
Chair Bagué noted WPBT is producing a Miami River documentary, in which she was interviewed for last week. Chair Bagué stated a second component is an interactive web-site, hosted by the University of Miami , regarding the Miami River .
Chair Bagué stated she was pleased to announce the Dade Community Foundation awarded the MRC a $5,000 grant. This is the MRC’s second grant award from the Dade Community Foundation, and their continued support is sincerely appreciated.
Chair Bagué invited everyone to the 11th Annual Miami Riverday, March 24, 11-5, Jose Marti Park , SW 4 ST and SW 4 Ave. On behalf of the MRC, Chair Bagué thanked all the generous sponsors, which allow Riverday to remain free to the public, including free river boat rides, live music, environmental education, historic re-enactors, children activities, marine expo, and much more. Ms. Sallye Jude noted she had attended the City of Miami Parks Master Plan workshop on Saturday, March 3 at José Martí Park , and suggested that the City utilize one of the free 10 x 10 tents offered during Riverday to showcase current projects and plans. Mr. Robert Weinreb noted he would contact Mr. Ernest Burkeen, City of Miami Parks Director , to discuss that possibility.
II. Review & Discussion of 1st and Flagler Street Planning, Development & Environmental (PD&E) Phase - Chair Bagué welcomed Mr. Jeff Easley, R S & H, Rene de Huebles, Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), and Alicia Gonzalez, MRG UC. Mr. Easley noted FDOT was currently conducting its alternative evaluation process of the PD&E (i.e. obtaining input from the community) in relation to the Flagler and 1st Street reconstruction options from NW 27 Ave on the west side of the Miami River, crossing over the River to NW 2 Ave, on the east side. After such input has been collected, Mr. Easley noted FDOT would host a public meeting in May 2007. Mr. Easley noted the CAC is meeting on Wednesday, March 7, 2007. Mr. Easley presented typical cross sections for the two alternatives which remain under consideration. Both of the two evaluated alternatives which remain under consideration maintain on-street parking, and one-way directions, while the “2A” alternative maintains off-street parking and includes bike lanes, while the “5B” alternative excludes bike lanes. Mr. Easley stated in reply to input provided by MRC Managing Director Brett Bibeau, Mr. de Huelbes, FDOT, and he were recommending additional warning lights be provided for the low undercarriage on the west side of the 1st ST Bridge, and the removal of fences blocking public access for the pedestrian staircase on the Flagler ST Bridge. Mr. Easley added the FDOT should be able to implement these recommendations under maintenance projects sooner than construction for the Flagler and 1st ST PD&E project, which isn’t scheduled to break ground until 2011.
The following questions / comments were addressed:
- Ms. Sallye Jude mentioned that the 1st ST bridge pedestrian staircases are in disrepair
- Ms. Megan Kelly asked if new traffic signalization would be incorporated as part of the project, and Mr. Easley replied although Miami-Dade County is responsible for coordinating signalization, FDOT would replace 12 obsolete signals and install approximately 6 new pedestrian crossing signals.
- Captain Beau Payne asked if FDOT would address drainage problems causing flooding beneath the west side of both bridges, and Mr. Easley replied FDOT planned to implement a drainage master plan for the entire corridor
- Captain Payne asked if the truck traffic along Flagler Street , eastbound would be affected by the proposed road reconstruction plans, and Mr. Easley stated FDOT would not incorporate any designs that would negatively impact truck traffic
- Ms. Jude asked if two-waying Flagler and 1st ST were being evaluated and Mr. Easley replied that 2-waying would cause a lot of impacts and require acquisition of additional right of way.
- Mr. Horacio Stuart-Aguirre asked if the main objective of the project focused more on improving traffic flow or beautifying the area, and Mr. Easley replied it focused more on making traffic flow more efficient, and at safer speeds as they interact with pedestrians and bicycles; Mr. Easley added FDOT is expecting more pedestrian and bicycle activity throughout the corridor vs. increased vehicular traffic
- Chairman Barreiro asked if FDOT would consider under grounding utilities, and Mr. Huebles replied that though this was beyond the current project’s scope of services and he would discuss that suggestion with FP & L. Chairman Barrerio asked if the project would include landscaping and Mr. Easley replied yes, significant new landscaping will be planted adjacent to wider sidewalks. Mr. Easley added they will replace old landscaping as needed in order to install the storm water drainage improvements. Chairman Barreiro noted the FDOT should consider coordinating under grounding the utilities during this project, since the expense to dig up the asphalt will be incurred, therefore at least the conduits may be installed now.
- Mr. Dana Nottingham asked if the public, including businesses along the corridor have been updated on the progress of the project, and Mr. Easley replied FDOT continues to involve the public in its plans, and Citizens Business Advisory Committee was created to consider business access and maintaining on-street parking. Mr. Easley added the on-street parking remains in both alternatives.
- Mr. Nottingham asked if FDOT would address loading zones and enforcement in its study, and Mr. Easley replied those items were currently being evaluated.
- Mr. Easley stated the subject area has averaged 293 crashes per year over the past four years.
- Mr. Winston stated the as the area becomes more pedestrian friendly, how will it tie into transit, and Mr. Easley replied the project will take all modes of transportation into consideration, including transit.
Chair Bagué asked Mr. Jim Murley , Chair of the MRC’s Urban Infill Working Group (UIWG), to state his findings of the proposed project. Mr. Murley referred to the UIWG’s February 13, 2007 minutes, in which the UIWG recommended the MRC to support the alternative with Bike lanes and on street-parking, “2A”. In addition the UIWG recommended:
- Removal of the chain link fence blocking access to the pedestrian staircase on the south east side of the Flagler Bridge
- FDOT work with the City of Miami to include the FDOT owned public right of way beneath the Flagler and 1st ST Bridges to be incorporated into the new on-road greenway which is about to break ground along North River Drive.
- Install advance warning signals at NW 3rd ST and S. River Drive of the 1st ST Bridge’s low clearance for tall trucks on S. River Drive
- Replace the broken pedestrian light beneath the 1st ST Bridge on S. River Dr
- Incorporate solid waste interceptors in the reconstructed storm water system of Flagler and First, in order to keep debris from entering the River
Mr. Easley and Mr. Huebles replied they had suggested FDOT include these recommendations in the PD&E, and attempt to accomplish as many as possible even prior to completing the PD&E and commencing construction. Mr. Huebles added FDOT has hired to contractor to clean beneath the Flagler and 1st ST Bridges.
Ms. Sallye Jude made a motion to support the alternative 2A and the additional UIWG recommendations; the motion was seconded by Vice-Chair Philip Everingham and was unanimously adopted.
III. MRC Subcommittee Reports
A. Dredging Subcommittee (DSC) – Mr. Brett Bibeau noted he had attended the Miami Dade / GMCC DC Fly-In, February 28 – March 1, in support of the County’s “critical priority” request for the $26 million federal cost share balance due to complete the Miami River maintenance dredging project. Mr. Bibeau noted everyone he met with remains in support of finishing the 40% complete project, and understands the project’s benefits will only be realized upon completing dredging to the confluence with Biscayne Bay . Mr. Bibeau added the MRC is working on the following opportunities to secure the remaining federal cost share:
- FY ’07 Continuing Resolution (CR) – Congress provided the ACOE with funding per program rather than project, therefore the project’s supporters are encouraging the ACOE to include as much as possible for the Miami River maintenance dredging project. The ACOE is scheduled to submit their “Work Plan” to Congress on February 15, 2007, which will outline the funding amount they will provide from each program for the various projects.
- FY ’08 – The President’s FY ’08 budget submittal includes $4.5 million for the project, which is a 33% increase from his FY ’07 budget submittal for the project. Historically Congress has been able to provide the President’s budgeted amount, plus an additional $3.5 million “Congressional Ad”, therefore a reasonable best case scenario FY ’08 appropriation would be $8 million. FY ’08 starts October 1, 2007, and we are recommending all project stakeholders write the Energy and Water Committee Chairs and Ranking Members in support of obtaining the federal cost share balance due.
- FY ’09 – We are recommending all project stakeholders write the ACOE and OMB in early summer to request the federal cost share balance due in the President’s FY ’09 budget, which is the last fiscal year before the project’s contract expires in April 2009. Since the project’s cost is a flat rate established in 2004 per cubic yard removed, failure to complete the project before the current contract may result in an increased project cost in any new contracts, in addition to time delays for completing the long awaited and widely supported project.
The County has offered “Local Advanced Funding” of the previously appropriated local cost share for the project. Since the ACOE takes 6-12 months to accept the offered local advanced funding, the Dade Delegation is encouraging the ACOE to expedite execution of the agreement.
In addition the MRC is supporting the County’s “critical Priority” $13.8 million request from the ST this legislative session, which are sponsored By Senator Alex Diaz de La Portilla and Rep. David Rivera. Mr. Bibeau stated he may travel to Tallahassee in a couple weeks for meetings in support of the County’s appropriation request.
The ACOE announced during our February meeting that they intend to award acceptance sections 7 & 8 this month, therefore dredging will recommence by early summer. Ms. Jude asked if there are any reports that detail how much business would be lost if the dredging project is not completed, and Mr. Bibeau replied the MRC cites the SFWMD-commissioned Hazen & Sawyer Biscayne Economic Report for data regarding the Miami River marine industries generation of 6,700 jobs which would be jeopardized if the project is not completed. The Dredging subcommittee’s next regularly scheduled third Wednesday of the month publicly noticed meeting will be held at 1407 NW 7 ST, March 21, 10 am.
B. Urban Infill Working Group (UIWG) – Mr. Jim Murley , Chair of the UIWG, noted the City of Miami posted the first complete draft Miami 21 Eastern Quadrant on their website, www.ci.miami.fl.us. The Planning Advisory Board will host two “ Miami 21 – Eastern Quadrant” meetings in the near future. The MRC will consider creating their advisory recommendation regarding the draft during the April 2, 2007 meeting.
Mr. Murley stated the UIWG will review the revised draft Miami River Corridor Multi-Modal Transportation Plan during their March meeting, and the final draft will be presented during the MRC’s April 2, 2007 meeting. Mr. Murley added the UIWG again solicits any Transportation recommendations for the ongoing Miami River Corridor Multi-Modal Transportation Plan.
C. Greenways Subcommittee – Dr. Ernie Martin noted Greenway sections remain under construction, and thanked Kevin Brown, the City of Miami and the private sector for their continued assistance. Dr. Martin stated there are currently greenway connectivity issues for example the riverwalk sections between Latitude on the River and Neo Vertika to the east and SW 2 Ave to the west. Dr. Martin noted these issues would be improved in the future if the City adopts the amended draft Miami River Greenway Design Standards and Guidelines, which are now awaiting approval of Miami 21, therefore missing several current opportunities where the private sector is constructing sections of the Riverwalk.
Dr. Martin mentioned he had attended the MRC / Kona Kai Gallery hosted Miami River Art Show, sponsored by Garcia’s seafood and Neo Vertika, on February 23. Dr. Martin stated the event was excellent, and the River paintings were beautiful.
Dr. Martin noted the Greenways subcommittee remains providing the public and private sector with options to provide for the long term Greenways maintenance, security and special events and look forward to their selecting which option will provide these services, which are critical to the Greenways success. Dr. Martin stated at the February Greenways meeting the subcommittee reviewed several locations in need of maintenance, which collectively identify that there are currently problems with providing this necessary service. Dr. Martin noted MRC board member and City of Miami Grants Administrator Robert Ruano suggested contacting 3-1-1 to report the identified specific locations where Greenway maintenance is needed, which Dr. Martin directed staff to do, although he believes in addition a regular maintenance system should be implemented. Chair Bagué noted that the City’s providing an action plan of the methods and funding to provide regular maintenance along the Greenway is required, because only responding to concerns reported to 311 is unacceptable, and recommended that she and Dr. Martin meet with City of Miami Manager Pete Hernandez to identify the plan to provide the regular maintenance, security and special events needed for the Greenway to reach its full potential. Chair Bagué suggested that Dr. Martin develop a list of top greenway priorities with MRC staff prior to the meeting.
Dr. Martin stated the Greenways subcommittee is awaiting receipt of the remaining approved Greenway cross sections, which were requested in writing by MRC Chair Bague over a year ago.
Dr. Martin mentioned for the second year in a row, the Greenways subcommittee is asking the City to place the bi-lingual posters for the free 11th Annual Miami Riverday festival, to be held March 24, 2007, in the new Greenway informational kiosks, which to date remain empty.
Dr. Martin noted the Greenways subcommittee recommended the City of Miami apply for an FDEP Recreational Trails Program grant to provide additional funding to build a riverwalk in the riverfront section of Lummus Park , the City of Miami ’s oldest park. Dr. Martin noted the Greenways Subcommittee continues its attempts to receive updates regarding Lummus Landing, which broke ground in 2003, yet the project was suspended and the area remains an eyesore in the community. Vice-Chair Philip Everingham noted he would place the status of Lummus Landing on the April City of Miami Waterfront Advisory Board agenda for discussion.
Dr. Martin asked for an update regarding the Related Group’s mixed –use development project and Merrill-Steven’s expansion plans. Chairman Barreiro noted the County has been working on the issue day to day and has been negotiating with Merrill-Stevens, yet negotiations have slowed with the Related Group, partially due to the adjacent Justice Department becoming involved. Chairman Barreiro stated he is going to ask to meet with the Judges and State Attorney to reach a conclusion. Dr. Martin noted the Merrill-Stevens expansion would include creation of a publicly accessible riverwalk from the 12 Ave Bridge to the west side beneath I-836, therefore allowing the County’s bond issue line item to be utilized for a section of the greenway without any potential private sector funding sources.
The next regularly scheduled second Wednesday of the month Greenways subcommittee’s publicly noticed meeting will take place on March 14, here at 2 pm.
D. Storm water Subcommittee – Mr. Bibeau reported that The City of Miami received three responses to their Wagner Creek Phases 3-6 and Seybold Canal dredging Request for Letters of Interest, and subsequent Request for Information. The City Commission is scheduled to consider the administration’s recommended firm this month. The Storm water Subcommittee’s next regularly scheduled first Wednesday of the month meeting will be held this Wednesday, March 7, 10 am, Miami River Inn, 118 S. River Drive.
E. Economic Development & Commerce (EDC) Subcommittee – Ms. Megan Kelly noted the EDC is seeking $22,170 to contract two FAU Professors to conduct a “Miami River Economic Analysis”, as authorized by the Executive Board. Ms. Kelly reported the EDC mailed letters to potential funding sources and is considering a variety of grant opportunities. Ms. Kelly added the EDC thanks Chairman Barreiro for his assistance in identifying potential funding sources.
F. Public Safety – Chair Bagué welcomed Sergeant Mike Gonzalez, Miami Marine Patrol. Officer Gonzalez stated the River has been quiet and without incidents. Dr. Bohnsack stated the Miami River Security Committee continues to meet monthly at the Coast Guard base. Dr. Bohnsack added the Port of Miami River will participate in the upcoming “mass migration drill”. Dr. Fran Bohnsack, Miami River Marine Group, reported the Miami River Security Committee’s next meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 13, 2 pm, Gator’s Den.
IV. New Business –The following items were addressed/discussed:
- Chair Bagué noted the MRC’s Executive Board had unanimously accepted the Fiscal Year 2006 Audit
- Chair Bagué thanked those who had attended Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz’s riverboat tour on Friday, March 1.
Chairman Barreiro noted Congress and the Army Corps of Engineers continues to be well-informed regarding the importance of funding and successfully completing the Miami River Maintenance Dredging project, and commended Mr. Bibeau and the MRC for their good work on the project. Chairman Barreiro added Lubby Navarro will serve as his new MRC designee.
The meeting was adjourned.
Ms. Irela Bagué, Chair of the Miami River Commission (MRC), led attendees through the agenda starting at noon , Monday, March 5, 2007 , Robert King High, 1407 NW 7th Street , Miami , Floridaa.
Miami River Commission Policy Committee Members and/or Designees attending:
- Irela Bagué, Chair of the Miami River Commission
- Philip Everingham, Vice-Chair of the Miami River Commission
- Bruno Barreiro, Chair of the Miami-Dade Board of County Commissioners
- Robert Villar, designee for Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Alvarez
- Gary Winston, designee for Miami-Dade State Attorney
- Horacio Stuart-Aguirre, designee for Member-at-Large Eric Buermann
- Megan Kelly, designee for Mr. Barry Johnson , GMCC
- Richard Dubin, President of the Miami River Marine Group
- Captain Beau Payne , designee of Miami River Marine Group
- Dana Nottingham, Downtown Development Authority
- Dr. Ernie Martin , Neighborhood rep., appointed by Miami City Commission
- Sallye Jude, Neighborhood Representative, Appointed by Miami-Dade County Commission
MRC Staff:
- Brett Bibeau, Managing Director
- Ashley Chase, Assistant Managing Director
Others attending interested in the River:
- Jim Murley, Florida Atlantic University
- Fran Bohnsack, Miami River Marine Group
- Lewis Beilman, South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD)
- Robert Weinreb, City of Miami
- Rene de Huebles, FDOT
- Jeff Easley, RS & H
- Alicia Gonzalez, MRG UC
- Mark Bailey, Merrill-Stevens Yachts
- Lubby Navarro, Miami-Dade County
- Sgt. Mike Gonzalez, Miami Marine Patrol
- Patricia Harris
I. MRC Chairperson Report:
Chair Irela Bagué asked for a motion to approve the MRC’s March 5, 2007 meeting minutes. Vice-Chair Phil Everingham moved to approve the MRC’s March 5, 2007 meeting minutes. The motion was seconded by Mr. Robert Villar , and unanimously adopted.
Chair Bagué stated the 11th Annual Miami Riverday was successfully held on March 24, in Jose Mart Park . On behalf of the MRC, Chair Bagué thanked all the generous sponsors, whom allow Riverday to remain free to the public, including free river boat rides, live music, environmental education, historic re-enactors, children activities, marine expo, and much more. Chair Bagué stated the MRC’s Executive Committee will commence planning next year’s Miami Riverday.
Chair Bagué noted most of the Riverday sponsors were presented their appreciation plaques either at the sponsor reception or during Riverday; therefore, she presented a plaque to Chairman Bruno Barreiro and Mr. Villar, on behalf of Miami-Dade County .
Chair Bagué stated the MRC is coordinating two volunteer River beautification projects this month: Saturday, April 21, 10-12, volunteers will plant 20 new trees at Robert King High, 1407 NW 7 ST and remove litter along the south shoreline, and on Sunday, April 22, 11-2, volunteers will be painting, mulching and removing litter in the on-road greenway along South River Drive from Jose Marti Park to NW 2 ST.
II. Presentation of Draft Miami 21
Mr. Brett Bibeau, MRC Managing Director, stated MRC Urban Infill Working Group (UIWG) Chair Jim Murley, Greenways Working Group Chair Dr. Ernie Martin , and the City of Miami’s Planning Department were unable to attend this regularly scheduled MRC meeting, and therefore asked me to forward their recommendations for this item. Mr. Bibeau noted the City’s Planning Department had previously presented the Miami 21 concepts to the MRC UIWG, yet were unable to attend this MRC meeting. Mr. Bibeau added MRC staff mailed all MRC members and designees CD’s with the current draft Miami 21 – Eastern Quadrant, one week prior to today’s meeting for review. Mr. Bibeau provided the following estimated timeline for the City’s consideration of the draft Miami 21 Eastern Quadrant, submitted by Ms. Luciana Gonzalez, City of Miami Planning Department:
- April 4 - Planning Advisory Board Review
- April 18 - Planning Advisory Action
- May 24 - City Commission First Reading
- June 28 - City Commission Second Reading
Therefore, Mr. Bibeau noted this was the last regularly scheduled MRC meeting before the draft Miami 21 – Eastern Quadrant is considered by the City of Miami ’s Planning Advisory Board. Mr. Bibeau stated an enlarged draft Miami 21 zoning atlas was available at the meeting, and noted the draft Eastern Quadrant includes proposed zoning amendments for all riverfront parcels on the north shore from Biscayne Bay to NW 12th Avenue , and the south shore from Biscayne Bay to I-95. Mr. Bibeau noted the MRC UIWG’s March 16, 2007 minutes, which include the subcommittee’s non-binding recommendation to the MRC on this item, were provided to all MRC members one week prior to the meeting as well. Mr. Bibeau added it is his understanding that one of the UIWG’s recommendations, to allow marine industrial uses as of right in the industrial type transect zones along the river, was incorporated into the current Miami 21 draft, which allows marine industrial uses as of right in the D1 and D2 transect zones. Mr. Bibeau noted it is his understanding that all riverfront parcels currently zoned Marine Industrial (SD-4) within the draft Miami 21 – Eastern Quadrant, with the exception of Finnegan’s River, are proposed to become either D1 or D2, both of which allow marine industrial uses as of right.
Mr. Bibeau therefore explained the MRC’s Urban Infill Working Group recommends the MRC find the draft Miami 21 – Eastern Quadrant consistent with the Miami River Corridor Urban Infill Plan and the Miami River Greenway Action Plan, subject to the following three conditions:
1) Requiring publicly accessible riverwalks with exceptions for marine industrial and low density residential areas, consistent with minimum Miami River Greenway Action Plan standards of a 20 foot-wide greenway, featuring a 16-foot wide unobstructed pedestrian path and a 4-foot wide passive zone with landscaping, decorative lighting, benches, etc.
2) Requiring a 50-foot building setback from the riverfront, with the exception of marine industrial and low-density residential uses and allowing the City Charter formula where properties less than 200 feet wide the setback would become 25% of the property width, and providing the City Commission authority to grant exceptions – Mr. Bibeau explained the draft Miami 21 – Eastern Quadrant doesn’t differentiate between a landlocked parcel’s “rear” building setback and a riverfront parcel’s “rear” building setback, which is the waterfront setback. Several of the proposed new zoning categories along the River allow a 0 foot “rear” and therefore riverfront building setback.
3) Correcting what he understands is a scribner’s error on the draft Miami 21 zoning atlas, via correcting the preserved Miami Circle site’s Transect Zone from the high-density residential related “Urban Core” (T-6) to the parks related Civic Space (CS)
Mr. Horacio Stuart-Aguirre asked if any river properties currently in litigation would be affected by the draft Miami 21 – eastern quadrant, and Mr. Robert Ruano and Mr. Bibeau replied they were not aware of any riverfront parcels within the Miami 21 eastern quadrant which are currently in litigation.
Dr. Fran Bohnsack, Miami River Marine Group, inquired if the draft Miami 21 had any regulations regarding ambient noise and Mr. Bibeau replied MRC staff would research the topic, as well as any other suggestions, and report back to the MRC following the Planning Advisory Board’s April 18 meeting.
Ms. Megan Kelly moved to find the draft Miami 21 – Eastern Quadrant consistent with the Miami River Corridor Urban Infill Plan and the Miami River Greenway Action Plan, subject to the following three conditions:
1) Requiring publicly accessible riverwalks with exceptions for marine industrial and low density residential areas, consistent with the minimum adopted Miami River Greenway Action Plan standards of a 20 foot-wide greenway, featuring a 16-foot wide unobstructed pedestrian path and a 4-foot wide passive zone with landscaping, decorative lighting, benches, etc.
2) Requiring a 50-foot building setback from the riverfront, with the exception of marine industrial and low-density residential uses and allowing the City Charter formula where properties less than 200 feet wide the setback would become 25% of the property width, and providing the City Commission authority to grant exceptions.
3) Correcting the scribner’s error on the draft Miami 21 zoning atlas, via correcting the preserved Miami Circle site’s Transect Zone from the high-density residential related “Urban Core” (T-6) to the parks related Civic Space (CS)
The motion was seconded by Phil Everingham.
Mr. Robert Ruano suggested the MRC not vote on the motion, because perhaps not all of the MRC members and designees had sufficient opportunity to read the entire draft Miami 21 – Eastern Quadrant. Chair Bagué replied the MRC’s volunteer board members and designees may also trust the sound recommendations made by MRC subcommittee chairs and staff. Mr. Ruano addressed the motions 1st condition, and questioned if exemptions for the recommended riverwalk requirement should be granted for all marine industrial properties, citing the precedent of dry stack storage marinas in Coconut Grove which feature publicly accessible baywalk sections. Chair Barreiro stated the MRC's Greenways subcommittee should revisit if some marine industrial uses may safely co-exist with publicly accessible riverwalk sections, yet recommended the exemption be included in the MRC’s recommendation to the Planning Advisory Board. Mr. Bibeau noted the City of Miami approved Miami River Greenway Action Plan, recommends the riverwalk proceed around marine industrial properties and low-density residential areas, as an on-road greenway, then return to the shoreline wherever feasible. In addition, the Plan recommends that if the land use and zoning are changed for new developments, the new projects should include publicly accessible riverwalks. Mr. Robert Villar therefore proposed an amendment to the motion’s 1st condition, deleting “exceptions for marine industrial and low density residential areas” and therefore leaving “consistent with the minimum adopted Miami River Greenway Action Plan standards…” The amendment was accepted by the maker of the motion Ms. Kelly, and second Mr. Everingham, and the amended motion was unanimously adopted by the MRC.
III. Presentation of the “Miami River Corridor Multi-Modal Transportation Plan”
Chair Bagué welcomed Mr. Greg Kyle, Kimley-Horn and Associates (KHA), who provided an overview of the draft Miami River Corridor Multi-Modal Transportation Plan PowerPoint presentation, and distributed a CD of the revised draft final report, as well as tables and maps of the plan’s draft multi-modal transportation improvement recommendations along the Lower, Middle, and Upper River. Mr. Bibeau stated all MRC members and designees were mailed CD’s with the previous draft plan one week prior to the meeting for review. Mr. Kyle noted KHA will be forwarding a copy of the technical appendices of the plan, as well as any material used to develop the body of the final report. Mr. Kyle stated KHA had already met with the MRC’s Urban Infill Working Group, County Commissioners and City of Miami Transportation planners, Lilia Medina and Mr. Gonzalez.
Mr. Kyle stated the Miami River meets all criteria for designation as an Emerging Strategic Intermodal System (SIS) Waterway, and exceeds the cargo quantity criteria for designation as an emerging seaport / waterway. Mr. Kyle explained that if an area meets one criteria of the SIS designation, it becomes eligible for designation as a SIS facility, and therefore eligible to receive significant State transportation funding.
Mr. Kyle stated KHA and Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) representatives are scheduled to review the draft Miami River Corridor Multi-Modal Transportation Plan with MPO TPC on April 9, 2 PM, 18 FL, 111 1St ST, and the County’s Public Works Department on a date yet to be determined. Mr. Kyle stated the draft will be reviewed during the UIWG’s April 13, 2007 hearing, which is the deadline for any all final comments. After potentially incorporating any final input received prior to April 13, 2007, a revised final draft would be considered for adoption by the MRC during the next regularly scheduled meeting, May 7, 2007, noon, 1407 NW 7 ST.
Mr. Robert Ruano asked why scanners in freight forwarding centers are recommended in the Upper River, and Mr. Richard Dubin replied the majority of shipping terminals are located in the upper river where the County currently owns several acres and is in the process of eminent domain on additional riverfront parcels located in the upper river, in conjunction with the proposed new bridges for the MIC / Earlington Heights Metro-Rail extension and 112 interconnector. Ms. Ammie Rogers, KHA, noted Federal Law requires U.S. Customs to provide radiation testing for containers in international shipping terminals by Jan. 1, 2008 , therefore the draft Plan suggests means for consideration which would provide time and cost effective ways for U.S. Customs to conduct their required radiation testing.
Ms. Sallye Jude asked if KHA had received input from businesses or neighborhoods along the Miami River, and Mr. Bibeau replied the draft Plan has been a discussion item on the MRC’s UIWG publicly noticed agenda for over a year, and that individuals representing a variety of river businesses have participated in, and continue their involvement in the creation of the plan. Mr. Kyle added KHA has worked extensively with MRC staff and conducted many site visits in an effort to familiarize themselves with the Miami River Corridor area and its transportation needs. Ms. Jude noted it was important to obtain additional input from the river’s neighborhoods, schools and businesses. Mr. Ruano concurred, adding that the MRC should create an opportunity, such as hosting a workshop, to obtain additional comments and address any concerns. Mr. Bibeau suggested the MRC place an ad in the Miami Herald to further extend the public notice process of the draft’s next public hearing during the UIWG’s April 13, 2007 meeting at 10:00 AM, 1407 NW 7 ST, and the MRC concurred. Mr. Eric Buermann suggested posting the ad on the MRC’s website to increase attendance. Vice-Chair Everingham stated he would inform the board and public of the meeting during the April City of Miami Waterfront Advisory Board meeting.
IV. MRC Subcommittee Reports
a. Dredging Subcommittee (DSC) – DSC Chair Eric Buermann stated Mr. Brett Bibeau was in Tallahassee last Tuesday and Wednesday supporting the County’s “critical priority” legislative requests for $13.8 million towards “contributed funding” for the project, which are priority items for the Honorable House Sponsor Rivera and Senate Sponsor Diaz de la Portilla. On Wednesday, the Senate approved a budget amendment, inserting $2 million for the project in the General Government appropriations bill, with the potential for additional ST funding from the $100-$140 million which will be made available for water projects statewide. Mr. Bibeau met with nearly the entire Dade Delegation, and or their staff, whom remain in support of finishing the 40% complete project, and understand the project’s benefits will only be realized upon completing dredging to the confluence with Biscayne Bay .
Mr. Buermann noted the FY ’07 year long Continuing Resolution (CR) was approved in March 2008, with $3.5 million for the project, which is the same amount of funding requested in the President’s FY ’07 budget submittal, and the same amount that Congress appropriated in FY ’06. With the currently available $7 million federal cost share, supplemented with the previously appropriated local cost share, the ACOE intends to award acceptance sections 7 & 8 in early April, therefore dredging would commence by July 2007.
Mr. Buermann stated the President’s FY ’08 budget submittal includes $4.5 million for the project, which is a 33% increase from his FY ’07 budget submittal for the project. Historically Congress has been able to provide the President’s budgeted amount, plus an additional $3.5 million “Congressional Ad”, therefore a reasonable best case scenario FY ’08 appropriation would be $8 million. FY ’08 starts October 1, 2007 , and we are recommending all project stakeholders write the Energy and Water Committee Chairs and Ranking Members in support of obtaining the federal cost share balance due.
Mr. Buermann noted on March 2, MRC Chair Bagué participated in a Miami River boat tour with the Honorable Congresswomen Ros-Lehtinen and Wasserman-Schultz, whom continue to support appropriating the federal cost share balance due to complete the project.
Mr. Buermann stated the MRC Dredging subcommittee is respectfully recommending all project stakeholders write the ACOE and OMB early this summer to request the federal cost share balance due in the President’s FY ’09 budget, which is the last fiscal year before the project’s contract expires in April 2009. Since the project’s cost is a flat rate per cubic yard removed, established in 2004, failure to complete the project before the current contract expires may result in an increased project cost in any new contracts, in addition to time delays for completing the long awaited and widely supported project.
Mr. Buermann added the County’s offered “Local Advanced Funding” of the previously appropriated local cost share for the project has moved forward in the ACOE’S approval process, being transmitted from their Jacksonville District, to the South Atlantic Division, and up to ACOE Headquarters in DC for approval. The Dade Delegation is encouraging the ACOE to expedite execution of the agreement, which would provide sufficient funding to award AS 9, which would be completed as the next round of Federal funding becomes available in FY ’08, which commences on October 1, 2007 .
Chair Bagué asked for the timeline of the Army Corps’ approval process, and Mr. Bibeau replied that the County’s “Local Advanced Funding” agreement was approved two months ago, and the ACOE is expected to approve the agreement within the next six months. Chair Bagué requested MRC staff create a visual timeline to assist with lobbying efforts.
Mr. Buermann stated although Mr. Bibeau shuns public praise, he should be commended for his tremendous efforts on behalf of the project. Chair Bagué concurred and thanked Mr. Bibeau for his hard work. The Dredging subcommittee’s next regularly scheduled third Wednesday of the month publicly noticed meeting will be held on April 18, 10 am, at 1407 NW 7 ST.
B. Urban Infill Working Group (UIWG) – Reporting for UIWG Chair Jim Murley whom was unable to attend the meeting, Mr. Bibeau stated the UIWG is working with Miami-Dade County ’s Interim Planning Director, Mr. Basu, and the Florida Department of Transportation, on launching a process to create an “Upper River Plan”, which would be followed by the County’s adoption of design specifications and guidelines to steer appropriate development in the identified “MIC associated development” area. Vice-Chair Phil Everingham asked if the Miami River Marine Group is involved in the Upper River Plan, and Mr. Bibeau and Dr. Bohnsack replied yes.
Mr. Bibeau added the UIWG is scheduling a presentation for the revised proposal for the area including the historically designated East Coast Fisheries, on North River Drive between Flagler and 1st ST Bridges. The MRC found the previous proposal for the “River House Lofts” development to be consistent with the Miami River Corridor Urban Infill Plan, yet that plan for a residential development has been replaced with a new plan, which includes a dry-stack marina facility.
C. Greenways Subcommittee – Reporting for Greenways subcommittee Chair Dr. Ernie Martin whom was unable to attend the meeting, Mr. Bibeau noted Greenway sections remain under construction, and the Greenways subcommittee continues providing the public and private sector with options to provide long term maintenance, security and special events, and looks forward to their selecting which option will provide these services, which are critical to the Greenways success.
On behalf of the Greenways subcommittee, Mr. Bibeau commended the City of Miami for taking the preliminary steps to improve the riverfront portion of Lummus Park , by removing the litter, weeds, broken fence, and laying fresh dirt. Mr. Ruano stated next the City will install grass and benches. The MRC thanked the City for this progress towards the recommended Riverwalk and Fisherman’s Wharf within Lummus Park .
Mr. Bibeau noted it seemed as though the Miami Circle National Park feasibility study will conclude the site should not become part of the National Park System. Several years ago the site’s owner, the Department of State, wrote the MRC stating they had sufficient funds to hire a shoreline contractor to repair the historic sites failing sea-wall, which would need to be completed before providing public access via constructing the riverwalk, which the Related Group offered in writing to create at their cost, in conjunction with construction of their adjacent ICON project. Regrettably several years later the promised sea-wall repairs are yet to commence, therefore the Greenways subcommittee will re-engage this issue during April.
Chair Bagué thanked the City of Miami for placing the bi-lingual posters for the free 11th Annual Miami Riverday festival, which was held on March 24, 2007, in the new Greenway informational kiosks. Chair Bagué noted upon Dr. Martin’s return to Miami , they will ask to meet with the City Manager regarding providing maintenance, security and special events along the Greenway. Chair Bagué added she had recently met with FDOT representatives, whom had forwarded all concerns to the appropriate departments.
Ms. Sallye Jude asked if the City of Miami has a schedule of trash pickup/removal along the Greenway. Mr. Ruano replied yes and offered to enquire and provide the schedule / routine.
The next regularly scheduled second Wednesday of the month Greenways subcommittee’s publicly noticed meeting will take place April 11, 2 pm, 1407 NW 7 ST.
D. Storm water Subcommittee – Ms. Sallye Jude stated the City of Miami administration postponed the City Commission’s consideration of a contract for Wagner Creek and Seybold Canal until May 2007, and removed the dredging component, leaving the design, engineering, permitting and public outreach portions of the project. Ms. Jude stated the project may have funding issues.
Per the request of the City of Miami , Ms. Jude noted that in March MRC staff submitted a package of information, which the City will use to renew their annual NPDES permit, issued by FDEP.
The Stormwater Subcommittee’s next regularly scheduled first Wednesday of the month meeting will be held this Wednesday, April 4, 10 am, Miami River Inn, 118 S. River Dr .
E. Economic Development & Commerce (EDC) Subcommittee – EDC Co-Chair Ms. Megan Kelly stated the EDC submitted a grant application in March to potentially fund the $22,170 to contract two FAU Professors to conduct a “Miami River Marine Industrial Economic Analysis”, as authorized by the Executive Board. Ms. Kelly added the EDC thanks Chairman Barreiro for his assistance in identifying potential funding sources.
F. Public Safety – Co-Chair Ruano deferred the report to Dr. Bohnsack, MRMG, whom noted the Port of Miami River participated in the upcoming “mass migration drill”. Dr. Bohnsack reported the Miami River Security Committee’s next meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 10, 2 pm, Gator’s Den. Ms. Kelly noted the Marine Industries had made a presentation regarding short sea shipping to the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce.
V. New Business – Chair Bagué asked if Dr. Bohnsack could provide the full MRC with a presentation focused on short sea shipping, and Dr. Bohnsack replied yes.
The meeting was adjourned. |
Ms. Irela Bagué, Chair of the Miami River Commission (MRC), led the meeting which started at noon , Monday, April 2, 2007 , United Way Ryder Conference Room, 3250 SW 3rd Avenue , Miami , Florida .
Miami River Commission Policy Committee Members and/or Designees attending:
- Irela Bagué, Chair of the Miami River Commission
- Philip Everingham, Vice-Chair of the Miami River Commission
- Bruno Barreiro, Chair of the Miami-Dade Board of County Commissioners
- Eric Buermann, Member-at-Large, appointed by the Governor
- Robert Villar, designee for Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Alvarez
- Robert Ruano, designee for City of Miami Mayor Manny Diaz
- Steve Wright, designee for City of Miami Commissioner Joe Sanchez
- Horacio Stuart-Aguirre, designee for Member-at-Large Eric Buermann
- Megan Kelly, designee for Mr. Barry Johnson , GMCC
- Richard Dubin, President of the Miami River Marine Group
- Dana Nottingham, Downtown Development Authority
- Carmen Polanco, designee for Sara Babun
- Sallye Jude, Neighborhood Representative, Appointed by Miami-Dade County
MRC Staff:
- Brett Bibeau, Managing Director
- Ashley Chase, Assistant Managing Director
Others attending interested in the River:
- David Henderson, Metropolitan Planning Organization
- Greg Kyle, Kimley-Horn
- Ammie Rogers, Kimley-Horn
- Lucy Perez, South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD)
- Robert Weinreb, City of Miami
- Fran Bohnsack, Miami River Marine Group
- Lubby Navarro, Miami-Dade County
- Sgt. Rene Lopez, Miami-Dade Police Department
- Carlos Saenz, Air Marine Shipping Terminal
- Alma Llinas, Keyes Realty
- Jeffrey Hooper, AME Shipping
I. MRC Chairperson Report:
Vice Chair Phil Everingham welcomed board members and attendees to the MRC’s May 7, 2007 meeting. Vice Chair Everingham stated that Mr. Mr. Robert Ruano , designee for Mayor Manny Diaz , has requested to participate in today’s meeting via speaker phone, since he is out of town. Vice Chair Everingham noted that prior to conducting the MRC election, he would provide his “Vice Chair Report.”
Vice Chair Everingham asked for a motion to approve the MRC’s April 2, 2007 meeting minutes.
Ms. Sallye Jude moved to approve the MRC’s April 2, 2007 meeting minutes. The motion was seconded by Mr. Gary Winston , and unanimously adopted.
Vice Chair Everingham introduced Ms. Dany Berthold-Moise, Miami-Dade County Outreach Supervisor, whom had requested to present an appreciation plaque to Mr. Brett Bibeau, MRC Managing Director, and the MRC, on behalf of Team Metro Melrose and the Department of Solid Waste Management for support of the 9th Annual Pride Week celebration. Ms. Berthold-Moise thanked the MRC for providing a free Miami River boat tour to Team Metro to help increase awareness along the Miami River, and noted that on Tuesday, April 24, 2007, nearly 100 volunteers participated in the Team Metro “Triangle Cleanup,” removing litter and debris between Northwest 39th St & Northwest 26th St., from South River Drive to NW 37th Ave. On behalf of the Miami River Commission, Mr. Bibeau thanked Ms. Berthold-Moise for the plaque and for continuing to partner with the MRC to host volunteer environmental clean-up events along the Miami River .
Vice Chair Everingham noted MRC staff had emailed and distributed copies of the “Statement of Financial Interests” or Financial Disclosure forms to all MRC members and designees, which must be submitted to the Commission on Ethics.
On behalf of the MRC, Vice Chair Everingham thanked the FL Legislature, because the River had a tremendously successful legislative session. The Legislature appropriated the Miami River dredging project a $5 million loan towards the federal cost share balance due, understanding there is no guarantee for repayment. In addition the legislature appropriated the $800,000 balance to complete their original pledged nearly $14 million cost share for the project, and $250,000 for the MRC’s continued programs and operations. On behalf of the MRC, Vice Chair Everingham thanked the dredging funding sponsors Sen. Diaz de la Portilla and Rep. Rivera, in addition to the MRC funding sponsors Senator Villalobos and Representatives Luis Garcia, Julio Robaina, and J.C. Planas.
Vice Chair Everingham stated the MRC coordinated and sponsored three volunteer River beautification projects last month: Saturday, April 21, 25 students planted 19 new trees at Robert King High, and 15 UM volunteers removed litter and weeds while spreading 50 bags of mulch in the on-road greenway along North River Drive between NW 3 ST and NW 6 Ave. Then on Sunday April 22, 40 volunteers from the Greater Miami Jewish Federation painted, removed litter and weeds and spread 200 bags of mulch in the on-road greenway along South River Drive from Jose Marti Park to NW 2 ST. Ms. Jude stated the subject areas look better.
Vice Chair Everingham stated Irela Bagué had successfully chaired the MRC since September 2004, and served as an MRC board member since being appointed as the designee for the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD). Vice Chair Everingham added Ms. Bagué was appointed to the SFWMD by former Governor Bush, and her positive term expired in March 2007. Since 1998, the SFWMD has appointed their Miami-Dade Governing Board member to serve as their MRC designee, and consistent with that precedent on April 12, they named Governor Crist’s recently appointed SFWMD Miami-Dade Governing Board member, Eric Buermann , to serve as the SFWMD designee to the MRC. The Governor’s “Member at Large” appointment to the MRC is now available. On behalf of the MRC, Vice Chair Everingham thanked Irela Bagué for her successful leadership of the MRC, which included commencing and completing 40% of the long awaited and widely supported Miami River maintenance dredging project, progress with greenways, urban development, creation of a Miami River Corridor Energy and Water Conservation Plan, etc. Vice Chair Everingham noted the MRC is coordinating an upcoming appreciation party on May 30 in her honor.
Vice Chair Everingham noted all MRC members received numerous notices regarding the first item on the agenda, election of the new chair. Vice Chair Everingham explained that MRC members or designees are eligible to nominate another MRC member or designee to Chair the MRC. If there is more than one nomination, an “open vote” election will be held, and simple majority will become the new MRC Chair, as outlined in the procedures of the Sunshine Law. At this time, Vice Chair Everingham entertained nominations for MRC Chair.
Mr. Richard Dubin moved to nominate Mr. Eric Buermann , and the motion was seconded by Dr. Ernie Martin . Mr. Robert Ruano moved to nominate Vice Chair Phil Everingham , and the motion was seconded by Mr. Gary Winston . Vice Chair Everingham thanked Mr. Ruano for the nomination, yet noted he was openly endorsing Mr. Eric Buermann . Mr. Bibeau asked those who were voting for Mr. Eric Buermann to kindly raise their hand, so that MRC staff could tally the votes. Midway through the tallying process, Mr. Ruano asked how many board members were voting today, and of those, how many had raised their hand in support of Mr. Buermann. Mr. Bibeau replied 12 board members were voting and 9 raised their hand in support of Mr. Buermann. Mr. Ruano requested to withdraw his nomination, and suggested unanimously appointing Mr. Eric Buermann as the new chair of the Miami River Commission. The MRC agreed and congratulated Mr. Buermann.
Mr. Buermann thanked all MRC board members for their support, and praised former Chair Irela Bagué for her outstanding leadership. Mr. Buermann stated completion of the Miami River Maintenance Dredging project remains a major priority, yet would request the assistance of his fellow board members and MRC staff to keep him on track regarding other river-related issues. Mr. Buermann noted MRC staff, Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen and the entire Delegation have been wonderful to work with, and he looked forward to strengthening all partnerships on local and state levels in an effort to obtain the remaining federal cost-share balance needed to complete the dredging project.
II. MRC Subcommittee Reports
A. Dredging Subcommittee (DSC) – As reported by Mr. Everingham, Mr. Buermann noted the MRC’s DSC is extremely grateful for the Legislature’s recent $5.8 million in appropriations to continue the Miami River maintenance dredging project. Utilizing the ST’s appropriated $5 million loan towards the federal cost share balance due requires execution of a “Contributed Funding Agreement” by the Board of County Commissioners and ACOE Jacksonville District. The draft agreement has been under review by the County’s Law Department for the past month.
Mr. Buermann stated the County’s previously approved “Local Advanced Funding” of the previously appropriated local cost share for the project has moved forward in the ACOE’S approval process, being transmitted from their Jacksonville District, to the South Atlantic Division, and up to ACOE Headquarters in DC for approval. The Dade Delegation is encouraging the ACOE to expedite execution of the agreement, which would provide sufficient funding to award AS 9, which would be completed as the next round of Federal funding becomes available in FY ’08, which commences on October 1, 2007 .
With the state’s recent additional appropriations, Mr. Buermann noted the project has $31.18 million available for dredging, which is sufficient to make significant progress and dredge several acceptance sections, leaving only a $16.5 million federal cost share balance due to complete the project. Mr. Buermann reported the President’s FY ’08 budget submittal includes $4.5 million for the project. Historically Congress has been able to provide the President’s budgeted amount, plus an additional $3.5 million “Congressional Ad”, therefore a best case scenario FY ’08 appropriation would be $8 million. FY ’08 starts October 1, 2007 , and we are recommending all project stakeholders write the Energy and Water Committee Chairs and Ranking Members in support of obtaining the federal cost share balance due. If this best case FY ’08 federal appropriation of $8 million is secured, their would be sufficient funding to dredge through Acceptance Section 12 of 15, before the available funds would be expended, and the remaining federal cost share balance would be reduced to a mere $8.5 million.
Mr. Buermann stated he had recently met with representatives from Weston, the ACOE contracted dredgers, whom indicated that although their contract expires half a year into federal FY ’09, the contract states the ACOE can’t award any additional acceptance sections after the last day of FY ’08, September 30, 2008 . Mr. Buermann noted he is in the process of confirming this information with the ACOE, and if it is indeed the case, FY ’08 would be the last opportunity to obtain the $16.5 million federal cost share balance due to complete the project before the current contract expires.
Mr. Buermann reported the dredgers are seeking the County and MRC’s support for their desire to delay recommence dredging an additional 8 months, and extend the contract an estimated one year, in order to capture any additional potential federal funding in FY ’09. The first $2 million FIND grant awarded for the project in FY ’05 has already received its first and typically only allowable one year extension, and therefore must be expended no later than August 2007. On behalf on the DSC, Mr. Buermann recommended that the MRC not advocate for the dredgers plan to further delay remobilization, and extending the end of the contract, which may also result in an increased cost per cubic yard removed. Mr. Buermann stated the MRC should support the ACOE’s intention to remobilize their contractors and utilize the millions in available funding to continue dredging. Mr. Buermann noted a 80% complete project is easier to finish than a 40% complete project, and noted the projects benefits will be only be realized upon completion of dredging to the River’s mouth.
Ms. Sallye Jude asked if the DSC had identified any grant opportunities to fund the project, and Mr. Bibeau replied the MRC had identified several federal economic development-based grants, which he had forwarded to the County. If awarded, the federal grants may provide up to $4 million for the project. Mr. Bibeau noted Mr. Ray Baker, whom had served as the liaison between the DSC and Miami Dade County ’s Department of Environmental Resource Management (DERM), had accepted a new position as Assistant County Manager county position. Therefore Mr. Bibeau would remind Mr. Baker’s replacement of the previously identified and forwarded grant opportunities.
Mr. Buermann commended Mr. Bibeau for his continued excellent work on behalf of the project and MRC. Mr. Bibeau provided copies of an updated estimated dredging funding summary. Mr. Buermann announced the Dredging subcommittee’s next regularly scheduled third Wednesday of the month publicly noticed meeting will be held on May 16, 10 am, at the Espirito Santo Plaza , 5th Floor, 1395 Brickell Avenue .
Mr. Ruano stated he would like to make a statement before ending his telephone conference into the meeting. Mr. Ruano stated the City of Miami purchased 6 of 8 acres at the former Police Benevolent Association property on the north shore of the south fork as a new park space. Mr. Ruano added the City will expand Fern Isle Park on the opposite south shore of the south fork, and connect it with the new park expansion with a pedestrian bridge and greenways. The MRC thanked Mr. Ruano and the City of Miami .
B. Urban Infill Working Group (UIWG) – Per the MRC’s direction, Mr. Jim Murley noted an advertisement was purchased in the Miami Herald to further extend the public notice for the April Miami River Corridor Multi-Modal Transportation Plan’s public workshop. The minutes of the well attended workshop, which included representatives from adjacent business and property owners, have been made available. In order for the consultants to have sufficient time to incorporate the additional public input received during the workshop into the draft, Mr. Murley stated the UIWG had deferred the MRC’s adoption of the final revised plan to the regularly scheduled meeting on June 4. Mr. Murley stated the draft is an excellent plan.
Mr. Murley stated the UIWG is working with Miami-Dade County’s Interim Planning Director, Mr. Basu, and the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), on creating an “Upper River Plan”, which would be followed by the County’s adoption of design specifications and guidelines to steer appropriate development in the identified “MIC associated development” area.
Mr. Murley added the UIWG is scheduling a presentation for the revised proposal for the area including the historically designated East Coast Fisheries, on North River Drive between Flagler and 1st ST Bridges. The MRC found the previous proposal for the “River House Lofts” development to be consistent with the Miami River Corridor Urban Infill Plan, yet that plan for a residential development has been replaced with a new plan, which includes a dry-stack marina facility. Mr. Murley announced the next UIWG meeting will be held May 8, 10 AM, 1407 NW 7 ST, Robert King High New Board Room.
C. Greenways Subcommittee – Dr. Ernie Martin distributed invitations to the Spring Garden Point Park Dedication Phase I celebration, May 11, 2007. Dr. Martin provided a brief history of Point Park ’s creation:
- 1999: The Spring Garden Civic Association (SGCA) and The Trust for Public Land (TPL) purchased the vacant site with funding from the Florida State Communities Trust and Miami-Dade County bond funds, and it was presented to the City of Miami . The City accepted the land, conditioned on a Management Agreement (up to 7 years) that the SGCA would maintain the park and raise funds for its completion
- SGCA, through neighborhood volunteers, maintained the park and obtained more funding from Miami-Dade County to construct the 1st phase of the park, celebrated with a ribbon cutting ceremony on May 11; Ms. Amy Kimball-Murley developed the master plan for the park
- Miami-Dade County, with assistance from a Florida Inland Navigational District (FIND) grant, completed Phase I; improvements included: stabilization of the unconsolidated shoreline along the Miami River, removal of exotic vegetation, restoration of native upland vegetation, creation of an interpretive nature trial and picnic sites
- Phase I of Point Park was completed by the SGCA in November 2006 and transferred to the City of Miami Parks & Recreation Department
- The Miami River Commission, using a Villagers grant, installed a bi-lingual historic marker in Point Park , regarding the historic use of the site as “Alligator Joe’s”
- Phase II will be the restoration or reconstruction of the adjacent historic Seybold House, which was purchased by the City of Miami
Dr. Martin stated he and MRC staff were scheduling a meeting with City Manager Pete Hernandez, regarding means to provide the Miami River Greenway’s future maintenance, security, and special events. Dr. Martin stated amongst the options are designating the Greenway as a linear park with re-occurring revenue such as a Trust, for example the Bayfront Park Management Trust and the Virginia Key Beach Park Trust. Mr. Weinreb, City of Miami , stated he had previously discussed this concept with Manager Hernandez whom was open to the idea and looking forward to the continued dialogue. Dr. Martin added the meeting will be an opportunity to re-present the MRC’s advisory recommendation regarding the draft Miami 21 – Eastern Quadrant, to require a publicly accessible riverwalk consistent with the Miami River Greenway Action Plan, within a 50 foot building setback, riverwide. Mr. Nottingham, DDA, stated the DDA is working with on Miami 21, and would like to incorporate this into their recommendations as well.
The next regularly scheduled second Wednesday of the month Greenways subcommittee’s publicly noticed meeting will take place May 9, 2 PM, 1407 NW 7 ST, Robert King High New Board Room.
D. Storm water Subcommittee – Ms. Sallye Jude noted the City of Miami administration postponed the City Commission’s consideration of a contract for Wagner Creek and Seybold Canal until June 2007, and removed the dredging component, leaving the design, engineering, permitting and public outreach portions of the project.
Ms. Jude thanked the City of Miami for executing the $75,000 contract with the MRC.
Ms. Jude stated the Wagner Creek Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) remains a draft awaiting execution by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection.
Ms. Jude stated the Stormwater Subcommittee’s next regularly scheduled first Wednesday of the month meeting will be held Wednesday, June 6, 10 am, Miami River Inn, 118 S. River Drive.
E. Economic Development & Commerce (EDC) Subcommittee – On behalf of the MRC, EDC Co-Chair Bruno Barreiro thanked the Empowerment Trust which awarded a $17,130 grant in April to contract two FAU Professors to conduct a “Miami River Marine Industrial Economic Analysis”, as authorized by the MRC Executive Board. The EDC is seeking the additional $5,040 for the additional 3 peer’s to review the analysis upon its completion.
Chairman Barreiro stated after the State of Florida completes its review of the Manatee status, Miami-Dade County will consider creating a committee to review their Manatee Protection Plan. Mr. Dubin noted a transfer of permit rights for boat slips from one parcel to another parcel was recently approved in Aventura and there is a policy to allow similar transfers of boat slips using covenants on parcels located on the Miami River . Mr. Dubin added the Miami-Dade Manatee Protection Plan allows pictures taken since 1984 as evidence regarding the number of slips a property should be permitted. Mr. Weinreb, stated several investors have approached the City of Miami because they want to create dry-stack marina businesses on the Miami River , yet are having difficulty obtaining the necessary permits. Mr. Weinreb stated although dry-stack marinas clearly have less impact than wet slip marinas, the Manatee Protection Plan regulations are the same for wet and dry slips, therefore the City recommends the County amend their plan to have different regulations for wet and dry marina slips.
Mr. Mark Bailey, Merrill-Stevens Yachts, stated their expansion negations with Miami-Dade County are continuing, and the agreement is expected to be considered by the Board of County Commissioners in July.
The EDC’s next meeting will be held on Friday, May 18, 3 PM, 1407 NW 7 ST, and the agenda includes a discussion of recent permitting experience relative to DERM’s recently established means to transfer boat slips from one location to another along the Miami River.
F. Public Safety – Co-Chair Gary Winston stated the local police departments are focused on the changing river, featuring a significant increase in residential, and are therefore considering re-visiting deployments. Mr. Winston noted there is an environmental division of the Miami-Dade Police Department, which is assisting in the enforcement of water restrictions. Mr. Winston deferred to Dr. Bohnsack, MRMG. Dr. Bohnsack stated the United States Coast Guard (USCG), Miami-Dade County and local marine industry ran a trial advisory process for a hurricane. The first round of notifications took only 19 minutes. Dr. Bohnsack stated the next Miami River Homeland Security meeting will be held Tuesday, May 8, 2 pm , USCG Gator’s Den, and the item includes discussion of the new partners in the riverwide camera system, Data Storage Etc. Mr. Dubin added the data is collected using infrared sensors installed on the heavy and strong camera locations, and record currents, winds, temperatures, etc.
III. New Business
Mr. Winston stated a Grand Jury report was instrumental and partially lead to the creation of the MRC. Mr. Winston stated there is a new Governor, new MRC chair, and new chair of the Board of County Commissioners. Mr. Winston stated the MRC should build on its successes, and suggested hosting a public meeting to attract potential new MRC members and participants. Ms. Jude suggested creating a Miami Riverday Committee. MRC Chair Buermann noted the MRC currently has three vacancies, the Governor’s designee, Member at Large, and an Environmental / Civic Organization appointment. MRC Chair Buermann stated he wanted a balance of old and new perspectives, and noted the importance of long standing members and staff with institutional knowledge of river issues. Chairman Barreiro suggested names of individuals whom would like the Governor to consider them for his MRC appointments, should be submitted to MRC staff within the next 30 days, and then the names would be transmitted to the Governor for his consideration. Mr. Winston suggested having a separate publicly noticed meeting for the sole purpose of MRC members discussing potential new MRC members, and MRC Chair Buermann recommended bringing individuals to the publicly noticed MRC subcommittee meeting of their interest. MRC Chair Buermann noted anyone may download the Governor’s required applicant informational form on line, complete and submit it to the Governor’s Office of Appointments in order to be considered for the Governor’s available MRC appointments, adding applicants will be considered regardless of party affiliation.
Chairman Barreiro stated the MRC should ask the Governor not to veto the Legislature’s recently approved $5.8 million to dredge the Miami River , and $250,000 for the MRC’s continued programs and operations. MRC Chair Buermann stated he didn’t feel the Governor would veto the River’s important line items.
The meeting was adjourned. |
Mr. Philip Everingham, Vice Chair of the Miami River Commission (MRC), led the meeting which started at noon, Monday, May 7, 2007, Robert King High, New Board Room, 1407 NW 7 ST, Miami, Florida.
Miami River Commission Policy Committee Members and/or Designees attending:
- Philip Everingham, Vice-Chair of the
- Miami River Commission
- Bruno Barreiro, Chair of the Miami-Dade Board of County Commissioners (arrived during Agenda Item II)
- Lubby Navarro, designee for County Commissioner Bruno Barreiro (arrived during Agenda Item II)
- Eric Buermann, designee for South Florida Water Management District
- Robert Villar, designee for the Honorable Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Alvarez
- Robert Ruano, designee for City of Miami Mayor Manny Diaz , participated via speakerphone
- Steve Wright, designee for City of Miami Commissioner Joe Sanchez
- Gary Winston, designee for Miami-Dade ST Att. Katherine Fernandez-Rundle
- Megan Kelly, designee for Mr. Barry Johnson , GMCC
- Richard Dubin, President of the Miami River Marine Group
- Dana Nottingham, Downtown Development Authority
- Carmen Polanco, designee for Sara Babun
- Sallye Jude, Neighborhood Representative, Appointed by Miami-Dade County
- Dr. Ernie Martin , Neighborhood rep., appointed by Miami City Commission
- Debbie Musgrove Zimmerman, designee for Ex-Officio Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen
MRC Staff:
- Brett Bibeau, Managing Director
- Ashley Chase, Assistant Managing Director
Others attending interested in the River:
- Robert Weinreb, City of Miami
- Jim Murley, Florida Atlantic University
- Dany Berthold-Moise, Miami-Dade County
- Evan Skornick, South Florida Water Management District
- Fran Bohnsack, Miami River Marine Group
- Jeffrey Hooper, AME Shipping
- Mark Bailey, Merrill-Stevens
- Dan Ricker, Watchdog Report
I. MRC Chair Report
MRC Chair Eric Buermann welcomed board members and attendees to the MRC's July 9, 2007 meeting. On behalf of the MRC, Chair Buermann presented the Honorable Representative Juan “JC” Planas with a plaque of appreciation for his ongoing support for Miami River improvement projects and the MRC. Representative Planas thanked the MRC for the honor and noted he would continue supporting Miami River initiatives. (Following the MRC meeting, appreciation plaques were also presented to ST Representatives Luis Garcia and Julio Robaina all of whom co-sponsored the Legislature approved $250,000 line item for the MRC during the 2007 session).
On Behalf of the MRC, Chair Buermann presented a token of appreciation to the MRC's Greenways Subcommittee Chair Dr. Martin, for his outstanding long-term efforts which were critical to bringing the riverfront Point Park to fruition within the historic Spring Garden neighborhood. The plaque features a picture of Dr. Martin holding the scissors during Point Park 's ribbon cutting ceremony, which was held on May 11, 2007 .
Mr. Buermann encouraged everyone to stay for the County's presentation of a grand total $20.5 million check to continue the 40% complete Miami River maintenance dredging project, consisting of generous cost share's from Congress, State of FL , FIND, Miami-Dade County and the City of Miami . Chairman Barreiro's invitation memo for the dredging project's check presentation ceremony was distributed. The presentation will be held in the same room immediately following the MRC meeting, at 2 PM .
Chair Buermann asked for a motion to approve the MRC's May 7, 2007 meeting minutes. Ms. Sallye Jude moved to approve the MRC's May 7, 2007 meeting minutes. The motion was seconded by Mr. Dana Nottingham , and unanimously adopted.
Chair Buermann noted on June 29 MRC staff mailed all MRC board members and designees the Fiscal Year (FY) 2008 (July 1, 2007 – June 30, 2008) operational budget and FY ‘07 and FY ‘08 Audit Engagement Letter, both of which were unanimously adopted by the Executive Committee on June 15, 2007.
Chair Buermann stated he was pleased to announce the Elizabeth Ordway Dunn Foundation awarded the MRC a $10,000 grant. This is the MRC's second grant award from the Elizabeth Ordway Dunn Foundation, and the MRC sincerely appreciates their continued support.
Chair Buermann stated as the members will recall, the Executive Committee authorized the creation of a “Miami River Marine Industrial Economic Analysis”. The Economic Development and Commerce's May 2007 minutes reflect the Empowerment Zone awarded a $17,130 grant towards creating the Analysis, leaving a $5,040 which will be funded out of the available $25,000 balance in the Miami-Dade County awarded grant. Contracts have been executed with the Empowerment Trust, FAU in the amount of $15,120, and Dr. Stronge in the amount of $7,050, for the Analysis' grand total $22,170 Scope of Services, which was previously approved by the Executive Committee.
Chair Buermann stated as most of the attendees are aware, the Honorable Governor Crist recently vetoed the Legislature's $250,000 line item for the MRC. Chair Buermann explained it is his understanding that the Governor vetoed the line item because the only eligible recipients for funding from the environmental related Trust Fund it was appropriated from are Counties, Municipalities and Water Management Districts. Mr. Buermann reported he has expressed his strong support for the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) to renew their annual $250,000 appropriation for the MRC to Carol Wehle, SFWMD Executive Director, whom indicated the SFWMD's FY '08 budget, which commences October 1, 2007 , will include $250,000 for the MRC.
Chair Buermann reported he authorized MRC staff to re-apply for the Miami-Dade County Department of Environmental Resource Management (DERM) Community Based Organization (CBO) grant funding in order to continue the Miami River Educational Boat Tour program.
On behalf of the MRC, Chair Buermann congratulated the MRC's Managing Director Brett Bibeau for recently being awarded the “Best of Miami 2007 - Backstage Leader” by the Miami Today.
Chair Buermann noted similar to the City and County, the MRC does not meet in August. Due to Labor Day being on the first Monday in September, the next MRC meeting will be held at noon on Monday September 10, 2007, probably back the regular location, 1407 NW 7 ST.
II. Miami 21-Eastern Quadrant Update
Mr. Jim Murley , Chair of the MRC's Urban Infill Working Group (UIWG), welcomed Ms. Luciana Gonzalez, Special Projects Coordinator for the City of Miami Planning Department, and noted Miami 21 is an exciting opportunity for smart growth urban infill redevelopment. Mr. Murley noted the UIWG continues to attend and participate as directed in public meetings and workshops regarding the draft Miami 21. Mr. Murley noted on June 20 the City of Miami posted positive amendments to the draft Miami 21 Eastern Quadrant on its website, following the April 2, 2007 meeting in which the MRC had formulated its preliminary advisory recommendation that the draft Miami 21 – Eastern Quadrant is consistent with the Miami River Corridor Urban Infill Plan and the Miami River Greenway Action Plan , subject to the following three conditions:
- Requiring publicly accessible riverwalks with exceptions for marine industrial and low density residential areas, consistent with the minimum adopted Miami River Greenway Action Plan standards of a 20 foot-wide greenway, featuring a 16-foot wide unobstructed pedestrian path and a 4-foot wide passive zone with landscaping, decorative lighting, benches, etc.
- Requiring a 50-foot building setback from the riverfront, with the exception of marine industrial and low-density residential uses and allowing the City
- Charter formula where properties less than 200 feet wide the setback would become 25% of the property width, and providing the City Commission authority to grant exceptions.
- Correcting the scribner's error on the draft Miami 21 zoning atlas, via correcting the preserved Miami Circle site's Transect Zone from the high-density residential related “Urban Core” (T-6) to the parks related Civic Space (CS)
Mr. Murley reported on June 29 MRC staff mailed all MRC board members and designees the proposed amendments to the draft Miami 21 – Eastern quadrant, posted June 20 on the City of Miami's website. Mr. Murley noted following the April 2, 2007 MRC meeting, the Scribner's error on the draft Miami 21 zoning atlas, which designated the Miami Circle as a high-density residential related Urban Core (T-6) transect zone, had been amended to Civic Space (CS), therefore that condition of the MRC's positive recommendation has been incorporated and should be removed from future MRC recommendations. The most River related of the proposed amendments is on page 16, distributed by staff, revising Article 6, Section 6.10 “Waterfront Setbacks” which addresses “waterfront walkways” as well. Mr. Murley noted he recommends the riverfront building setback and riverwalk regulations need further amendments in order to be consistent with the Miami River Greenway Action Plan, which was adopted in 2001 by the City of Miami , Miami-Dade County and the MRC. The draft amendment currently requires the MRC recommended 50 foot waterfront building setback formula for all riverfront parcels, except those proposed to become D1 or D2 (formerly SD-4), T3 and T4R, (formerly low density residential R1 and R2), where the riverfront building setback becomes 20 feet. Therefore Mr. Murley recommended the MRC continue to advocate for the exceptions to currently zoned SD-4 parcels, which are proposed to become D1 or D2, from the setback and riverfront requirements, which is consistent with the Miami River Greenway Action Plan and the Miami River Corridor Urban Infill Plan . Mr. Murley and Mr. Buermann noted during the June 28, 2007 City Commission hearing, the City's lead Miami 21 consultant, Liz Plater Zyberk, stated the 20 foot riverfront building setback for D1 and D2 would be deleted from the draft Miami 21 prior to the City Commission's next public hearing.
Mr. Murley stated the City's recently posted draft amendment only “encourages” the publicly accessible riverwalk, with the MRC recommended exceptions for T3, T4R, D1 & D2. Therefore Mr. Murley recommended the MRC continue to advocate the riverwalk be “required” rather than “encouraged”, with the amendments current exceptions. The amendment cites a 12 foot minimum riverwalk width, therefore the UIWG recommends the MRC continue to advocate for a minimum 16 foot wide unobstructed pedestrian path, which is consistent with the Miami River Greenway Action Plan.
Mr. Murley stated as chair of the MRC's Urban Infill Working Group, he specifically recommends the MRC find the draft Miami 21, Eastern Quadrant to be consistent with the Miami River Corridor Urban Infill Plan and the Miami River Greenway Action Plan, subject to the following remaining conditions: Revising the amendment to Article 6, Section 6.10 (a) by replacing the word “encouraged” with “required”, in (a) 2. replacing “12 feet” with “16 feet”, inserting the word “unobstructed” in front of “pedestrian walkway”, and exempting D1 & D2 from the waterfront setback requirements.
Mr. Murley noted during the draft ordinance's 1 st reading, the City of Miami Commission deferred the item until September 2007, after a series of public hearings are held while the MRC is adjourned during the month of August.
Mr. Robert Ruano stated he opposed exempting D1 and D2 properties from riverwalk and building setback requirements, and suggested allowing individual exceptions to be considered on a case by case basis among shipping terminals, marinas and dry stack storage facilities to maximize public access along the riverfront. Mr. Ruano noted that Grove Harbor Marina in Coconut Grove had successfully incorporated a publicly accessible baywalk. Mr. Robert Weinreb , City of Miami , noted that Grove Harbor Marina, a city-owned property, required the operator to have public access along the waterfront, as well as a person on-staff directing pedestrian and vessel traffic, which has been successful thus far .
Mr. Richard Dubin noted he has owned and operated a shipping terminal on the Miami River for over 25 years, and explained the difficult insurance and homeland security issues involved with requiring publicly accessible riverwalks at commercial marinas and shipping terminals. Mr. Horacio Stuart-Aguirre, Miami River homeowner in Durham Park neighborhood, noted he was opposed to requiring a riverfront building setback and publicly accessible riverwalk in D1 and D2 parcels. Mr. Stuart Aguirre stated Grove Key Harbor 's publicly accessible baywalk is dangerous and an accident waiting to happen considering the incompatible adjacent dry-stack marina, and suggested eliminating structures from the riverfront's first 20 feet and requiring a publicly accessible riverwalk within D1 and D2 would eliminate marine industrial businesses and make them uninsurable. Ms. Brenda Marshall, The Trust for Public Land, noted the City Commission adopted Miami River Greenway Action Plan had always taken safety and compatibility into account, therefore included an on-road greenway which would proceed around low-density neighborhoods and marine industrial businesses along the “Working River”. Mr. Murley noted of the numerous river restaurant sites, only three narrow sites are proposed to become D1. Mr. Murley provided a brief explanation of the Miami River Greenway Action Plan , which depicts the proposed greenway route's publicly accessible pedestrian path proceeding around SD-4 marine industrial and low-density residential riverfront parcels as an on-road greenway, and copies of portions of the adopted Plan were distributed. The “Chronology of MRC's recommendation for the Miami River Greenway system to proceed around SD-4 marine industrial and low density residential parcels as an on-road greenway” was distributed.
Mr. Ruano noted riverfront restaurant “Finnegan's River”, currently zoned SD-4 could have created greater waterfront access if they would have incorporated a publicly accessible riverwalk at their site, instead of the planned and funded on-road greenway proceeding around the site. Mr. Murley explained that the owner of Finnegan's River had decided to renovate the site's previous structures, which had no waterfront setback, and under the provisions of the existing zoning code built their desired restaurant which was a permissible use without any amendments to the site's land use or zoning. Mr. Murley added that if the owner of Finnegan's River wished to amend the zoning of their property, the proposed draft Miami 21 would require them to include a 50-foot riverfront setback formula and encourage a publicly accessible riverwalk under their proposed T6.
Miami-Dade County Chairman Bruno Barreiro stated the administration and MRC need to be vigilant in seeking publicly accessible riverwalk's when sites are redeveloped. Dr. Ernie Martin , Chair of the MRC's Greenways Subcommittee, noted the City of Miami funded the creation of the “Miami River Greenway Design Guidelines and Standards,” which establishes a unified set of design standards for the future development of the Miami River Greenway. Sections of the “Miami River Greenway Regulatory Design Standards and Guidelines” were distributed to attendees, and Dr. Martin noted consistent with the adopted Miami River Greenway Action Plan , they stipulate the riverwalk will become an on-road greenway proceeding around low density neighborhoods and marine industrial (D1 and D2) parcels. When a riverwalk along the river's shore, consistent with the previously adopted Plan the draft Miami River Greenway Design Standards and Guidelines require a minimum 16 foot wide unobstructed pedestrian path. Dr. Martin noted the revised guidelines had yet to be presented to the Miami City Commission for adoption. Dr. Martin added he had recently met with City Manager Pete Hernandez whom had suggested that the revised and final “Miami River Greenway Design Guidelines and Standards” be considered for adoption as a self standing ordinance, after the Miami 21 – Eastern Quadrant is adopted.
Mr. Ruano suggested that the D1 and D2 property owners should be allowed to make a case by case consideration as to why a public accessible riverwalk would not be feasible for their property. Mr. Bibeau noted the draft Miami 21 Article 4, Table 3 “Building Function: Uses” pertaining to D1 allows food service, alcohol service and entertainment establishments “by right” rather than “by warrant”, while uses allowable “by warrant” require an administrative case-by-case review conducted by the “Coordinated Review Committee” (CRC), which would be an opportunity to review the potential for a publicly accessible riverwalk within those specific uses within D1. Mr. Dubin disagreed with placing this burden on the property owner and concurred with MRC UIWG Chair Murley's suggestion for the MRC to continue advocating for D1 and D2 to be exempt from a publicly accessible riverwalk, which is consistent with the current draft Miami 21, and in addition an exemption from the 20 foot riverfront building setback requirement within D1 and D2, which would require an amendment to the current draft Miami 21.
Ms. Sallye Jude made a motion to accept MRC UIWG Chair Murley's recommendation for the MRC to find the draft Miami 21, Eastern Quadrant to be consistent with the Miami River Corridor Urban Infill Plan and the Miami River Greenway Action Plan, subject to the following remaining conditions: Revising the amendment to Article 6, Section 6.10 (a) by replacing the word “encouraged” with “required”, in (a) 2. replacing “12 feet” with “16 feet”, inserting the word “unobstructed” in front of “pedestrian walkway”, and exempting D1 & D2 from the waterfront setback requirements. The motion was seconded by Phil Everingham and adopted by a vote of 8-3.
Ms. Gonzalez encouraged the MRC to participate in the series of Miami 21 workshops which will be held in August. The MRC agreed to consider an update regarding any new updates, revisions / amendments to the draft Miami 21 during the UIWG's July 20, 9 AM, publicly-noticed meeting at 3250 SW 3 rd Ave, and report any changes and progress update to the MRC board during its next meeting on Monday, September 10, 2007, noon, 1407 NW 7 ST.
On behalf of the residents of the Spring Garden Civic Association (SGCA), Dr. Martin expressed a concern over the definition of a building's “story,” as proposed in the draft Miami 21, as it relates to the River's historically designated Spring Garden and Lummus Park neighborhoods, located within the Eastern Quadrant. Dr. Martin noted there is currently a 50-foot height limitation for the riverfront parcels within the historically designated Spring Garden neighborhood. Dr. Martin stated the current draft Miami 21 defines each “story” has a maximum allowable height of 14 feet, while allowing 5 stories along Spring Garden's riverfront, therefore allowing a 70 foot tall building. Dr. Martin noted the SGCA would like to support the draft Miami 21, yet would like to maintain the current 50-foot height limitation. Chair Buermann and Mr. Murley suggested that Dr. Martin present this position during the UIWG's July 20, 2007 meeting followed by the MRC's September 10, 2007 meeting for further consideration.
III. MRC Subcommittee Reports
A. Dredging Subcommittee (DSC) – Mr. Bibeau provided copies of an updated estimated dredging funding summary and timeline. Ms. Sallye Jude asked for the Miami River Maintenance Dredging project's recommencement date, and Chair Buermann replied that dredging was scheduled to recommence in the Miami River by July 23, 2007, yet the contractors had recently met with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE) representatives regarding their request for a 120 day extension for their remobilization, based on the timeline for the Boskalis sediment processing plant to return from overseas. Chair Buermann added that the ACOE had yet to make a decision regarding the contractors' request to extend the 60 days the contract currently allows from award of the acceptance sections to recommence dredging, yet considering they are yet to commence setting up the processing plant the contract required July 23 recommencement date seems unfeasible. Chair Buermann noted the MRC continues to recommend the ACOE minimize additional delays as much as technologically and logistically possible for recommencing and completing the project. Mr. Buermann further explained on May 24, 2007 the ACOE awarded dredging in the projects next acceptance sections 7 & 8 of 15, using the currently available $7 million federal cost share, which consists of the remaining $3.5 million appropriation from Fiscal Year (FY) 2006 and the $3.5 million included in the FY '07 CR.
Mr. Buermann reported the U.S. Senate Appropriation Committee has marked up the FY '08 Energy and Water Appropriations Bill, with $7.5 million for the project, which is a $3 million (over 65%) congressional ad over the Honorable President's $4.5 million budget submittal. The US Senate and Dade Delegation therefore did a tremendous job in successfully providing a significant Congressional ad over a woefully insufficient Administration FY '08 budget request. The Senate's $7.5 million mark up for the project will proceed to conference with the unreleased House mark up for the project, before the final Congressional appropriation is determined in the FY '08 budget.
The Dredging subcommittee's next regularly scheduled third Wednesday of the month publicly noticed meeting will be held July 18, at 10 am .
At 2 PM the remainder of the Dredging and other MRC subcommittee reports were deferred to the MRC's next meeting in order to commence the County's aforementioned Miami River maintenance dredging check presentation ceremony and press conference.
IV. New Business – The following items were addressed/discussed:
- Mr. Evan Skornick, South Florida Water Management District, and Mr. Robert Ruano asked Mr. Bibeau to provide supplemental information regarding the adopted FY '08 budget, and Mr. Bibeau agreed.
- Chairman Barreiro distributed copies of a July 10, 2007 memorandum to the Board of County Commissioners attaching a draft ordinance to create a Manatee Protection Plan Review Committee and to provide funding to begin collection and compilation of related data.
The meeting adjourned. |
Mr. Eric Buermann , Chair of the Miami River Commission (MRC), convened the meeting at noon , Monday, July 9, 2007 , United Way Ryder Room, 3250 SW 3 rd Avenue , Miami , Florida.
Miami River Commission Policy Committee Members and/or Designees attending:
- Eric Buermann, Chair of the Miami River Commission
- Philip Everingham, Vice-Chair of the Miami River Commission
- Bruno Barreiro, Chair of the Miami-Dade Board of County Commissioners
- Lubby Navarro, designee for County Commissioner Bruno Barreiro
- Robert Villar, designee for the Honorable Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Alvarez
- Robert Ruano, designee for City of Miami Mayor Manny Diaz
- Steve Wright, designee for City of Miami Commissioner Joe Sanchez
- Barry Johnson, President of the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce
- Richard Dubin, President of the Miami River Marine Group
- Dana Nottingham, Downtown Development Authority
- Carmen Polanco, designee for Sara Babun
- Sallye Jude, Neighborhood Representative, Appointed by Miami-Dade County
- Dr. Ernie Martin , Neighborhood rep., appointed by Miami City Commission
- Manny Prieguez, Member-at-Large, appointed by Miami City Commission
- Debbie Musgrove Zimmerman, designee for Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (ex-officio MRC board member)
MRC Staff:
- Brett Bibeau, Managing Director
- Ashley Chase, Assistant Managing Director
Others attending interested in the River:
- Jim Murley, Florida Atlantic University
- Luciana Gonzalez, City of Miami Planning Department
- Robert Weinreb, City of Miami
- Dorian Valdez , Miami-Dade DERM
- Marina Blanco-Papo, Miami-Dade DERM
- Dany Berthold-Moise, Miami-Dade County
- Evan Skornick, South Florida Water Management District
- Fran Bohnsack, Miami River Marine Group
- Jeffrey Hooper, AME Shipping
- Mark Bailey, Merrill-Stevens
- Alma Llinas Keyes Realty
- Enrique Cubillos
- Carlos Saenz
- Bernardo Saenz
- Patricia Harris
- Rebecca Long
- Robert Lamar
- Horacio Stuart-Aguirre
I. MRC Chair Report
Chair Eric Buermann welcomed everyone back from the August break.
Chair Buermann asked for a motion to approve the MRC's July 9, 2007 meeting minutes. Vice Chair Phil Everingham moved to approve the MRC's July 9, 2007 meeting minutes. The motion was seconded by Ms. Sallye Jude, and was unanimously adopted.
Chair Buermann noted the MRC's enabling legislation appoints the Chair of the Marine Council to serve as an MRC board member. Chair Buermann stated that MRC Vice Chair Phil Everingham had served as the Marine Council's Chair for the last several years. Chair Buermann noted that the Marine Council had elected a new Chair, Mr. Ed Swaykon, whom he welcomed as a new MRC board member. Chair Buermann stated the MRC had received a letter from Mr. Swaykon appointing Mr. Everingham to continue serving on the MRC as the Marine Council's designee.
On behalf of the MRC, Chair Buermann thanked Miami-Dade County/DERM's Community Based Organization grant program whom had awarded the MRC $18,525 in order to continue the Miami River educational boat tour program.
Chair Buermann noted he had authorized MRC staff to apply for a NOAA Community Based Marine Debris Prevention and Removal Project grant, and two Miami Dade County Cultural Affairs grant opportunities for the 12 th Annual Miami Riverday festival, which is scheduled for April 19, 2008 . Chair Buermann thanked Ms. Jude for volunteering to assist on the planning of this year's free Miami Riverday festivities, and suggested that interested volunteers contact either Ms. Jude or MRC staff. Chair Buermann added the MRC sincerely appreciates all of the generous Miami Riverday sponsors, and encouraged contacting MRC staff to obtain more information on available benefits. Mr. Buermann noted the importance of providing free Miami River boat rides at Riverday to get the public out on the river. Ms. Jude stated she will be working on expanding upon the event's environmental educational goals and activities with children.
Chairman Buermann stated in January the MRC will host the SFWMD on a Miami River boat tour. Chairman Buermann noted the SFWMD's helpful support for the MRC and Miami River maintenance dredging project.
I. Presentation of the “Miami River Corridor Multi-Modal Transportation Plan”
Chair Buermann welcomed Mr. David Henderson, Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) whom provided a brief overview of the final draft Miami River Corridor Multi-Modal Transportation Plan which recommends multi-modal transportation improvements for the Miami River corridor. Mr. Henderson noted that MRC staff had distributed a CD of the revised draft final report to all MRC board members and designees one week prior to today's meeting. Mr. Henderson added that he brought MRC staff 4 copies of the printed report and technical appendices, which are available for review upon request.
Mr. Henderson stated a previous draft of the plan was previously provided and presented to the MRC. Mr. Henderson noted inclusion in the State's Strategic Intermodal System (SIS) Plan, creates eligibility to receive significant State transportation funding. Mr. Henderson noted the Miami River Corridor Multi-Modal Transportation Plan concludes the Miami River corridor meets the State criteria to be included in the SIS and should therefore be designated and included in the SIS. Mr. Henderson recommended an application be submitted for the FDOT's formal consideration to include the Miami River corridor in the SIS. Mr. Henderson noted the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) is currently re-evaluating its SIS criteria, and suggested that the MRC continue its involvement in the process.
Chair Buermann thanked the MPO, transportation agencies and local stakeholders whom participated in the lengthy planning process and for their efforts in creating the plan. Mr. Jim Murley , Chair of the MRC's Urban Infill Working Group, stated the new Miami River Corridor Multi-Modal Transportation Plan updates the Miami River Corridor Urban Infill Plan 's transportation related implementation steps. Mr. Murley added the Miami River Corridor Urban Infill Plan is the MRC's strategic plan as required by FL Statute, and it incorporates by reference the entire Miami River Greenway Action Plan, Miami River Basin Water Quality Improvement Plan , and the Miami River Corridor Energy and Water Conservation Plan. Therefore, Mr. Murley explained the MRC should consider adopting the Miami River Corridor Multi-Modal Transportation Plan as another component of their strategic plan. Mr. Murley noted the MRC looks forward to continue pursuing the River's inclusion in the SIS. Ms. Megan Kelly , Chair of the MRC's Economic Development Subcommittee, stated the EDC is working with the Miami River Marine Group towards implementing the plan's recommendation of the short sea shipping opportunities located along the upper Miami River . Mr. Murley noted that Appendix J of the plan includes information pertaining to that topic. Chair Buermann thanked Ms. Kelly, and the EDC for their work on short sea shipping.
Vice Chair Everingham asked if the Miami River Corridor Multi-Modal Transportation Plan requires approval from the city and/or county level. Mr. Murley replied that the MRC will transmit the Plan to the City, County, and all related transportation agencies and then the MRC will work in our advisory capacity towards implementing the plans transportation improvement recommendations, yet the plan does not require formal adoption by the city or county.
Per the request of Chair Murley, Mr. Brett Bibeau, MRC Managing Director, distributed the following resolution, which was previously submitted to all MRC board members and designee prior to the meeting for their review:
WHEREAS , the Miami River Commission's strategic plan recommends additional multi-modal transportation related planning; and
WHEREAS , the mixed-use Miami River Corridor includes some of the most populated neighborhoods in Miami-Dade County , significant new residential urban infill redevelopment; and marine related industries, and the Miami Intermodal Center (MIC); and
WHEREAS, the State of Florida has established a Strategic Intermodal System (SIS) Plan focusing on important corridors and waterways critical to economic development for the ST of FL;
WHEREAS, the Miami River Commission (MRC) appropriated $25,000 to create the Miami River Corridor Multi-Modal Transportation Plan ; and
WHEREAS , the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) appropriated $75,000 to create the Miami River Corridor Multi-Modal Transportation Plan ; and
WHEREAS, the over 1 year process to create the Miami River Corridor Multi-Modal Transportation Planning Process included over a dozen publicly noticed meetings where input was received from the Miami River stakeholders, including but not limited to residents, business owners, property owners, and governmental agencies;
1. The MRC hereby incorporates by reference the Miami River Corridor Multi-Modal Transportation Plan into the MRC's adopted strategic plan
2. The MRC hereby recommends implementation of the Miami River Corridor Multi-Modal Transportation Plan
3. The MRC hereby transmits the final Miami River Corridor Multi-Modal Transportation Plan to the Florida Department of Transportation, Miami Dade County, Miami-Dade Expressway Authority, City of Miami, and the United States Coast Guard
4. The MRC hereby directs the Urban Infill Working Group to provide updates to the MRC regarding the Miami River Corridor Multi-Modal Transportation Plan and its implementation as necessary and respectfully requests FDOT to consider the Miami River as a component of the SIS
Ms Megan Kelly moved to approve the resolution adopting the Miami River Corridor Urban Infill Plan. The motion was seconded by Sallye Jude and was unanimously adopted.
II. Draft Miami 21-Eastern Quadrant Update
Mr. Jim Murley, Chair of the MRC's Urban Infill Working Group (UIWG), stated on July 9, 2007 the MRC had updated its advisory recommendation on the draft Miami 21 Eastern Quadrant. The MRC found the draft “Miami 21 - Eastern Quadrant” to be consistent with the Miami River Corridor Urban Infill Plan, subject to the following remaining conditions: revising the amendment to Article 6, Section 6.10 (a) by replacing the word “encouraged” with “required”, in (a) 2. replacing “12 feet” with “16 feet”, inserting the word “unobstructed” in front of “pedestrian walkway” and exempting D1 & D2 from the waterfront setback requirements. As directed by the MRC, Mr. Murley noted this advisory recommendation was forwarded at several recent City of Miami hosted public meetings and workshops regarding the draft Miami 21. Mr. Murley added the current draft Miami 21 Eastern Quadrant is the same version the MRC considered on July 9, 2007 . Mr. Murley stated the City reported at a recent public hearing that a revised draft Miami 21 Eastern Quadrant will be posted on the City of Miami 's website at least two weeks prior to its consideration by the City Commission at first reading, which is now scheduled in October 2007. Mr. Murley stated it his understanding from testimony at the City Commission that these sound MRC recommendations are being incorporated into the revised draft, which is yet to be released.
Mr. Murley noted that the July 20, 2007 UIWG meeting minutes reflect the review and discussion regarding the MRC's July 9, 2007 advisory recommendation regarding the draft Miami 21 Eastern Quadrant. Mr. Murley stated Dr. Ernie Martin , on behalf of the residents of the Spring Garden Civic Association (SGCA), again expressed their concern which he originally mentioned to the MRC on July 9, 2007 and again during the Urban Infill Working Group's July 20, 2007 meeting. Dr. Martin stated the current zoning code provides a maximum 50 foot building height along the R3 riverfront parcels within the historically designated Spring Garden neighborhood. Dr. Martin explained the draft Miami 21 – Eastern Quadrant transfers those riverfront R3 parcels within the historically designated Spring Garden Neighborhood to T5, which provides a potential maximum of 7 stories with the definition of a building's “story,” has a maximum allowable height of 14 feet, therefore allowing the potential for a 70 foot tall building. Dr. Martin added that the SGCA would like to support the draft Miami 21, yet would like to maintain the current maximum 50-foot height limitation. Mr. Murley stated he recommends the MRC support the Spring Garden resident's recommendation for the Miami 21 – Eastern Quadrant to not allow the potential for riverfront buildings within the historically designated Spring Garden neighborhood to be taller than the 50 feet allowed under the current zoning code. Dr. Martin made a motion to add the following additional condition to the MRC's July 9, 2007 recommendation that the draft Miami 21 Eastern Quadrant is consistent with the Miami River Corridor Urban Infill Plan : maintain the building height limitation under the existing regulations for new riverfront buildings within the historically designated Spring Garden neighborhood. The motion was seconded by Ms. Sallye Jude and unanimously adopted by the MRC.
III. MRC Subcommittee Reports
A. Dredging Subcommittee (DSC) – Chair Eric Buermann provided the following Miami River Maintenance Dredging Project report:
On May 24, 2007 the ACOE awarded dredging in the projects next acceptance sections 7 & 8 of 15, using the currently available $7 million federal cost share, which consists of the remaining $3.5 million appropriation from Fiscal Year (FY) 2006 and the $3.5 million included in the FY '07 Continuing Resolution (CR). The current contract provides 60 days for the contractors to remobilize from the time of awarding Acceptance Sections, therefore the dredging contract required dredging to recommence by July 23, 2007 . The ACOE indicated their contractors requested a 120 day extension for their remobilization deadline, based on the timeline for the Boskalis sediment processing plant to return from overseas and to resolve a seawall related issue at the AME Shipping property, which the contractors lease as an additional sediment processing area. The ACOE is yet to make their decision regarding the contractors requested 120 day extension to recommence dredging, which elapses on November 20. Mr. Buermann stated the ACOE's contracted dredgers have asked for his support on delaying their remobilization which he is considering, yet he still feels it is important to keep the project moving forward with the currently appropriated funding.
The U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee has marked up the FY '08, which commences October 1 2007 , Energy and Water Appropriations Bill, with $7.5 million for the project, which is a $3 million (over 65%) congressional ad over the Honorable President's $4.5 million budget submittal. The US Senate and Dade Delegation therefore did a tremendous job in successfully providing a significant Congressional ad over a woefully insufficient Administration's FY '08 budget request, based on the ACOE's flawed Benefit to Cost Ratio for the project, which only calculates the cargo benefits and omits all the project's additional benefits, including but not limited to the approved $55 million Merrill-Stevens Recreational Boatyard expansion, generating 350 additional full time jobs, which will only occur upon completing the dredging project. The Senate's $7.5 million mark up for the project may proceed to conference with the House Bill, which deferred line items to a lump sum amount divided consistent with the President's budget submittal. Therefore, if Congress passes the FY '08 Energy and Water Bill, it would include $4.5 - $7.5 million for the Miami River maintenance dredging project. Similar to the last federal fiscal year, there is the potential for a Continuing Resolution (CR) which would provide all line items the lesser amount of either the President's FY '08 request or the previous FY '07 appropriation, therefore under another CR the project would be provided $3.5 million in the upcoming FY ‘08. MRC Managing Director Bibeau will join the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce representatives on September 25-27 in Washington DC to advocate for the federal cost share balance due to finish the 40% complete dredging project. Mr. Buermann thanked the Honorable Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen and the entire Dade Delegation for their continued strong support or the project.
Chair Buermann noted the annual Miami River maintenance dredging support letter writing campaign to appropriate elected federal officials and administrators is well underway. Mr. Buermann showed a stack of letters which is one copied set of the numerous support letters mailed from local elected officials, businesses, etc., respectfully requesting the federal cost-share balance due in FY '08 Chair Buermann thanked everyone whom recently wrote letters to express their continued strong support for obtaining the federal cost share balance due to finish the project considering all of the project's benefits will only be realized upon its completion to the River's confluence with Biscayne Bay.
Chair Buermann noted MRC staff is distributing an estimated potential timeline for the project's completion under the project's current cost share and contract. The estimated timeline indicates, as the MRC and locals have anticipated for the last two years, a projected potential $9-13 million shortfall in the federal cost balance due to finish the project when the 5 year contract expires in April 2009. The ACOE's 5 year dredging contract sets the cost as a flat rate per cubic yard removed, and no dredging is allowed to be awarded after the last day of FY '08, September 30, 2008 . It is anticipated that any new potential contract would result in an increased cost per cubic yard removed, therefore everyone is working towards completing the project under the current price established when the original contract was executed in 2004. Not doing so will result in an unnecessary increased project cost, and therefore waste the tax payer's money. Therefore in August the Local Project Sponsor and ACOE executed an amendment to the Project Cooperation Agreement, in order to allow the immediate use of the previously appropriated local cost share, and any additional “non-required contributed” funds provided by the locals, such as the State's $5 million appropriation last session.
Chair Buermann stated that during the 2007 ST Legislative session, the local project sponsor, Miami-Dade County , requested $13 million from the ST towards the federal cost share balance due, in order to complete the project under the current contract and cost. The ST appropriated an additional $5 million towards the federal cost share balance due in their adopted FY '08 budget, and when added to other available and anticipated sources of federal and non-federal funding for the project, it is estimated that there are currently sufficient funds to dredge acceptance sections 7-11 of 15.
Chair Buermann explained that the only way to ensure the $86 million project will be completed under the current price per cubic yard and contract, is for the locals to appropriate the estimated remaining $9-$13 million federal cost share balance which will be due to dredge the final four acceptance sections (12-15). Therefore, the SFWMD's proposed FY '08 budget, which will be considered by the Governing Board later this month, includes its first $3 million cost share towards the federal funding shortfall, to complete the project without unnecessary cost increases and further delays. Although there is no guarantee the locals will be reimbursed for contributing towards the Federal cost share balance due in order to complete the project under the current contract and price, there is a precedent for federal cost share reimbursement after the locals provide additional funding necessary to complete a project. Therefore the locals will seek the potential Federal reimbursement of the federal cost share balance due provided by the locals. The MRC will again support the County's ST appropriation request for the project in the 2008 legislative session. The SFWMD will apply in April 2008 to FIND, whom has already awarded the project $6.68 million, for an additional $3 million towards the federal funding cost share balance due. Regrettably, the County and City will not know the outcome of these funding requests, until next year, after their FY '08 budgets are approved this month. The MRC remains grateful for the $3.7 million appropriated for the project thus far by the County, and the $2.9 million appropriated thus far by the City of Miami . Mr. Buermann stated understanding the ST mandated tax reductions are resulting in significant County and City FY '08 budget cuts, he appreciates the difficulty in appropriating additional funding for the project. Please consider the fact that any potential appropriation the City and County make in FY '08 would not be expended unless the ST and FIND requests aren't fully funded next year, and therefore would not be used unless absolutely necessary at the last minute. Chair Buermann stated since the City and County's FY '08 budgets will be adopted this month, he respectfully recommends the City and County consider appropriating a contribution towards the Federal cost share balance due to complete the project under the current cost and contract. Any additional contribution would remain beneath the County and City's maximum potential cost share amounts stipulated in their Interlocal Agreement for the project.
Chair Buermann noted the over $55 million in utility relocations required by the ACOE are continuing to be completed prior to dredging within the subject utility crossing areas.
The Dredging subcommittee's next regularly scheduled third Wednesday of the month publicly noticed meeting will be held September 19, at 10 am , 3250 SW 3 Ave.
B. Urban Infill Working Group (UIWG)- Mr. Jim Murley noted he was recently appointed to serve as the Vice Chair of the County's Council on Green Initiatives. Mr. Murley noted that in February 2005, the MRC adopted the 2 nd Update to its strategic Miami River Corridor Urban Infill Plan , which included encouraging developments along the River to include alternate sources of energy and water conservation, i.e. solar panels & low flow showerheads. Subsequently in September 2005, the MRC prepared the “Miami River Corridor Energy Efficiency and Water Conservation Report”. Mr. Murley noted during the September 5, 2007 UIWG meeting, MRC staff had distributed one of the 5 Executive Orders signed by the Honorable Governor Crist in Miami on July 13, 2007. Mr. Murley noted the UIWG had recommended that the MRC, an agency created by the State of FL , encourage MRC staff, as well as businesses owners, marine industries and developers along the Miami River to work towards obtaining general consistency with the plausible green initiatives contained in the Governor's Executive Orders. Mr. Murley noted the UIWG had agreed to undertake a review of the Executive Orders pertaining to such entities and report back to the MRC.
Mr. Murley noted the City Commission amended their contract with Staubach to provide for a scope of services and compensation related to the redevelopment of the James L. Knight Convention Center , located on the River's North shore. The Urban Infill Working Group's June 12, 2007 minutes reflect a second presentation regarding this issue. Mr. Murley recommended that the City's potential redevelopment of the subject riverfront area be consistent with the Miami River Greenway Action Plan and the Miami River Corridor Urban Infill Plan and include a public venue for performances.
Mr. Murley noted that the UIWG June minutes reflect a follow up presentation from Mr. Nottingham regarding the DDA's draft Downtown Master Plan. On behalf of the UIWG. Mr. Murley noted he looked forward to accepting his invitations to participate in public forums to provide input regarding the draft plan, which is scheduled to be presented again to the Urban Infill Working Group in October and the full MRC in November.
Mr. Murley noted MRC staff had provided the County's Planning Department with a potential U.S. Department of Commerce Economic Development Administration grant, which may provide funding for the County to create the UIWG recommended “Upper River/MIC Associated Development Plan”. In addition the South Florida Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) final document for 2007 to 2012 includes recommending the creation of the Upper River / MIC Associated Development Plan. The final CEDS document will be reviewed by the South Florida Regional Planning Council today. After the Council finds the updated CEDS generally consistent with the Strategic Regional Policy Plan for South Florida (SRPP) and accepts it as a replacement document for the SRPP for the purpose of planning for the South Florida Economic Development District, it will be submitted to the US Economic Development Administration (EDA) by no later than September 30, 2007. Ms. Jude suggested offering SRPP a free booth during the
12th annual Riverday festival.
C. Greenways Subcommittee – Dr. Martin noted he and the active Greenways Subcommittee had experienced a busy couple months, and therefore had a lot to report.
Dr. Martin noted Ms. Lavinia Freeman , Trust for Public Land (TPL), had left TPL to become a High School journalism teacher. On behalf of the MRC, Dr. Martin thanked Ms. Freeman for her years of excellent work as TPL's Miami River Greenway project manager. Dr. Martin noted Ms. Audrey Ordones, formerly of the South Florida Water Management District, had recently accepted a position with TPL as their Miami Office Director, and she has indicated TPL will continue supporting the Miami River Greenway.
Dr. Martin noted he had met with City Manager Pete Hernandez, Mary Conway , CFO, City of Miami Police Lieutenant Socorro , and Ed Blanco, City of Miami Parks Department, in June regarding several Greenway issues, including the need to identify means of providing the maintenance, security and special events along the Miami River Greenway. Dr. Martin deferred to Mr. Bibeau to provide further details. Mr. Bibeau reported that the MRC binder of materials created for the Greenways Retreat, including outlines of the Business Improvement District, (BID), Trust, and Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District options, were provided to the Manager for his consideration. Mr. Bibeau added that the MRC continues to successfully coordinate volunteer maintenance and beautification projects along the Greenway, most recently on August 24 the MRC sponsored volunteers from Engage Miami whom planted pallets of grass on the River's south shore adjacent to the M-Path on the County owned parcel beneath Metro-Rail and on August 25 the MRC sponsored and coordinated UM volunteers whom worked on the City owned on greenway sections on South and North River Drive. On May 21 the MRC coordinated and funded a successful Miami River Greenway clean up event with 130 volunteer Ransom Everglades High School Seniors. Additional volunteer Greenway clean-up events are scheduled on Saturday October 6 and October 27.
Dr. Martin thanked Chairman Barreiro whom continues to support the concept of expediting the use of the County Bond 's $7.5 million Miami River Greenway line item, to construct the riverwalk on the identified County owned parcels requiring riverwalks. Dr. Martin noted the County's Bond administrators e-mailed the MRC indicating the County Bond's $7.5 million Miami River Greenway line item is indeed being expedited to $2.5 million in FY '07 – '08 and the remaining $5 million in FY '08 – '09. In addition, the County Public Works Department has conducted site visits and a draft estimated construction timeline, which concludes in March 2010. MRC staff distributed copies of a September 6, 2007 letter from Gaspar Miranda, Assistant Director of the Miami-Dade County Public Works Department, to Roger Hernstadt, Chief of Staff for City Manager Pete Hernandez. The letter notes the American Society of Landscape Architects has offered to conduct a design competition for a riverwalk on two adjacent parcels, the City of Miami 's Lummus Park and Miami-Dade County 's pump station. The letter states in part, “The County has appropriated funds for construction of this project on County owned properties; however, if the City agrees to endorse the competition, the City would need to agree to fund the design and construction of the improvement to the City's parcel estimated at $250,000 for construction.”
Dr. Martin noted he had met with City of Miami Commissioner Michelle Spence-Jones , Mary Conway (CIP), Laura Billberry (Public Facilities), representatives from the Grants Department and Garcia's Seafood Restaurant in May to discuss the status of the riverfront portion of Lummus Park , a.k.a. “Lummus Landing.” Dr. Martin stated Commissioner Spence-Jones supports the implementation of the Miami River Greenway Action Plan in her district, and directed city staff to look into funding the project, which would include the creation of a publicly accessible riverwalk, and eventually a Fisherman's Wharf. MRC staff recommended the City apply to a couple available ST grants for funding to construct the riverwalk in Lummus Park . The owners of Garcia's Seafood were also present at the meeting to discuss their current month-to-month “License Agreement” with the City of Miami . The owners of Garcia's, who have operated along the river for over 30 years, are willing to invest in significant fish market site improvements if the license agreement term is extended or would consider relocating their seafood business, located adjacent to the City of Miami Administration building, to Lummus Landing and help create a “Fisherman's Wharf” consistent with City's Comprehensive Plan. Commissioner Spence-Jones asked Mr. Bibeau and the Greenways subcommittee to continue working with the City administration and her office on these issues. Dr. Martin stated he and MRC staff therefore had an update meeting with her Chief of Staff in late August.
Dr. Martin noted he was pleased to report that the MRC's contract with Baron Signs Manufacturing, for the fabrication and installation of 6 historic markers along the Miami River Greenway, primarily funded by a $25,000 Villager's Inc. grant with a minor MRC cost share, has successfully been completed. Dr. Martin stated MRC staff is working with the Villager's Inc to schedule an unveiling ceremony at Lummus Park , in which District Commissioner Spence-Jones, representatives of the City, the Dade Heritage Trust, TPL, local historians, etc. will be invited to celebrate the installation of the 6 historic markers. On behalf of the MRC, Dr. Martin thanked the Kona Kai Art Gallery for donating $1,650 of proceeds from their recent Miami River Art Show at Neo Vertika. The Kona Kai owners specified the donation is to be used towards additional historic markers along the Greenway. Dr. Martin explained that during the developer of Latitude on the River's original presentation to the MRC several years ago, they had pledged to install a historic marker at the development site to commemorate the former location of Brickell Shipyard and Miami Ship Services. Therefore the Greenways subcommittee provided the marker specs and is finalizing the text for the marker, which the Latitude on the River developer, Mr. Steve Gelb, recently reconfirmed the commitment to fund, fabricate and install the historic marker on their publicly accessible section of the Miami River Greenway, which is nearing completion. In addition, per the City of Miami's request, the Greenways subcommittee, in partnership with local historians Jim Brotan and Dr. Paul George, provided the “East Coast Fisheries” and “John Seybold Estate & Spring Garden” historic marker's text and images, which the City of Miami has offered to fund, fabricate and install along the Miami River Greenway, which will bring the current total of Historic Markers along the Greenway to 11, with more to come.
Dr. Martin deferred to Mr. Bibeau for an update on the Miami Circle seawall. Mr. Bibeau reported that a significant portion of the sea-wall at the State of FL owned, and Department of State administered Miami Circle site, along with a section of the upland, collapsed into the Miami River . Mr. Bibeau stated that the DOS has indicated their plan is to provide temporary repair measures to stabilize the sites collapsed seawall, while the DOS submits a $2.5 million legislative budget request, which will be considered in May 2008, to potentially fund the final and long planned permanent repair of the Miami Circle seawall. The site has remained unimproved and unavailable to the public since the taxpayers purchased the site in 1999 for over $24 million. Therefore starting with the June MRC's Executive Committee, Urban Infill Working Group and Greenways subcommittee Chairs directed MRC staff to strongly advocate for the immediate execution of the long standing plans to permanently repair the Miami Circle sea-wall, followed by the State's acceptance of the Related Group's generous written commitment to fund and construct the riverwalk to finally provide public access to the Miami Circle site. Mr. Bibeau noted State Representative Luis Garcia, whose district includes the Circle, received a letter from FIND stating its willingness to consider a grant application as soon as it is submitted to fund half of the estimated $1.5 million seawall repair, which would therefore require a $750,000 match. Mr. Manny Prieguez asked why the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) was not contributing funding towards the repair of the State owned seawall. Chair Buermann replied that he recently briefed FDEP Secretary Mike Sole, whom is currently working on the issue. Mr. Robert Weinreb , City of Miami , stated the temporary fix of the seawall has stalled because when they began removing the remaining failed sea-wall located within the federal navigable channel, they realized the sea wall was larger than anticipated, therefore removing it prior to installation of the final seawall may jeopardize the site. Mr. Bibeau stated the Army Corps of Engineer's indicated they will not allow their dredgers east of the Brickell Bridge if the collapsed sea-wall remains in the federal navigable channel upon their arrival.
Dr. Martin noted that per the request of the MRC to compare City Commission approved Riverwalk cross-sections with as built and permitted dimensions, MRC staff continues to present two sets of approved Miami River Greenway cross sections during each Greenways subcommittee meeting. The City of Miami has requested modifications to four of five of the private sector constructed riverwalk sections, because they were not consistent with the dimensions approved by the City Commission. Dr. Martin noted the June Greenways minutes reflect a review of the Latitude on the River and adjacent Neo Vertika riverwalk's City Commission approvals vs. as-built dimensions, supplemented with the approved renditions and recent photographs of the subject as-built riverwalk sections. The Greenways subcommittee noted the City Commission approved riverwalk renditions for the aforementioned riverfront developments are wider than the as-built riverwalks, and the approved plans provide connectivity to adjacent riverwalk sections, while the as-built sections fail to connect. Therefore, Dr. Martin noted he and the Executive Committee had directed MRC staff to advocate for the City to require the developers to make the necessary corrections to their riverwalks, in order to make them consistent with the Riverwalk dimensions unanimously approved by the City Commission. Mr. Bibeau noted the Greenways Subcommittee planned to review “ Terrazas River Park Village ” and “River Oaks” at its next meeting.
The Greenways subcommittee's next regularly scheduled second Wednesday of the month meeting will be held on September 12, 2007 , 2 PM , 1407 NW 7 ST.
D. Stormwater Subcommittee - SSC Chair Sallye Jude noted that on September 11, the City Commission will consider agenda item PH 1, contracting a firm for the design and permitting of the Wagner Creek & Seybold Canal Dredging project. Ms. Jude stated the Subcommittee commends the City of Miami for making progress in achieving the long-term goal of dredging Wagner Creek & Seybold Canal, which is consistent with the Miami River Basin Water Quality Improvement Plan and the Miami River Corridor Urban Infill Plan. Mr. Manny Prieguez asked whom would perform the dredging of Wagner Creek and Seybold Canal . Mr. Bibeau replied that the City of Miami administration is recommending CH2MHILL be awarded the design and permitting of the project on September 11, and the City will separately consider the actual dredging once the design and permitting is completed.
In addition, Ms. Jude noted on September 11, 2007 the Miami City Commission will consider agenda item CA 10, authorizing an Interlocal Agreement in order for the Scavenger Decontamination vessel's existing $200,000 contract with the City of Miami, which provides 5 hours per week of service on the Miami River, to be supplemented with Miami Dade County's additional $100,000 for additional service hours on the Miami River. Ms. Jude noted the Scavenger de-contamination vessel services are consistent with the Miami River Basin Water Quality Improvement Plan and the Miami River Corridor Urban Infill Plan.
Per the MRC's recommendation for the Water and Sewer Department to façade the riverfront sewage pump station located on North River Drive , Ms. Jude noted the Department has provided the presented renditions of a façade treatment which matches Art Deco features of the historic Scottish Rite building across the street. Dr. Ernie Martin made a motion that the MRC endorse the WASD bringing the rendition to fruition, with additional landscaping, a publicly accessible riverwalk to be funded from the Miami River Greenway line item in the County Bond issue, and allowing the use of the existing vacant parking lot. The motion was seconded by Ms. Sallye Jude and was unanimously adopted.
E. Economic Development & Commerce- Chair Megan Kelly thanked and commended Chairman Barreiro, and Merrill-Stevens Yachts for the $55 million expansion, generating 350 additional full time jobs, which was unanimously approved by the Board of County Commissioners in July. Ms. Kelly noted the expansion will only be possible upon completion of the dredging project. Vice Chair Everingham asked if the expansion project would begin prior to the recommencement of dredging, and Mr. Mark Bailey , Merrill-Stevens, noted there are a lot of hurdles to overcome before the project can get underway.
In addition, Ms. Kelly stated the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) approved a resolution on July 24, 2007 relating to an application by Miami Yacht & Engine Works, LLC, for modification of an existing Class I Permit to authorize expansion of a marine repair facility to allow mooring or storage of an additional 24 powerboats at 2100 NW North River Drive .
Ms. Kelly noted that during the MRC's July meeting, Chairman Barreiro had distributed a July 10, 2007 memorandum to the Board of County Commissioners attaching a draft ordinance to create a Manatee Protection Plan Review Committee and to provide funding to begin collection and compilation of related data. The proposed ordinance, which passed at first reading, will be taken up by the “GOE Subcommittee” on September 11 before its second reading by the County Commission in October. Ms. Kelly noted the Economic Development and Commerce subcommittee's July 27 minutes reflect the EDC's recommendation for the MRC to endorse the ordinance creating the Miami-Dade County Manatee Protection Plan Committee. Mr. Everingham made a motion to endorse Chairman Barreiro's ordinance to create the Miami-Dade County Manatee Protection Plan Review Committee. The motion was seconded by Mr. Manny Prieguez , and was unanimously adopted.
Ms. Kelly added that the July minutes reflect the EDC's recommendation for the MRC to advocate for stronger enforcement of the Miami River 's idle / no wake zone restriction, and suggested that Dr. Bohnsack and MRC staff discuss the creation of a pilot program for marine patrol to pull over and issue citations to boats traversing the Miami River faster than the required idle / no wake speed at the next Miami River Public Safety and Security meeting.
F. Public Safety – The MRC deferred to Dr. Fran Bohnsack, Miami River Marine Group. Dr. Bohnsack reported that the next Miami River Homeland Security meeting will be held Tuesday, September 11, 2 pm, USCG Gator's Den, and the item includes discussion of the creation of new “TWIX” identity cards and the new partners for restoration and enhancement of the Port of Miami River camera system, with additional environmental sensors, which will be funded by corporations.
IV. New Business – The following items were addressed/discussed:
Ms. Theo Long stated she has lived in the riverfront Grove Park neighborhood for 25 years, and is a former MRC board member. Ms. Long explained due to the current construction conditions at three adjacent Miami River draw bridges, the NW 17 Ave Bridge closed for repairs, NW 5 ST Bridge replacement, and the NW 12 Ave bridge replacement projects, traffic on NW 7 ST is terrible. Ms. Long asked the MRC to consider formulating an advisory recommendation to amend the Federal Regulation rush hour bridge lock downs by removing the current exception for vessels under tow until another bridge becomes fully operational again. Dr. Bohnsack noted the shipping terminals along the Miami River would be opposed to such a request, since additional bridge regulations schedule would reduce the number of feasible international shipments per day. Mr. Dubin noted the entire Miami River 's Federal Navigable Channel was recently essentially shut down for nearly a week while the NW 12 Ave Bridge spans were set in place. Dr. Bohnsack stated she will ask the shipping terminals to try and voluntarily schedule their shipments with as much sensitivity to avoiding rush hour as allowed by tides, and other constraints and commitments. Mr. Bibeau noted Miami-Dade County is expediting the fully funded repairs of the NW 17 th Avenue Bridge which was recently deemed a hazard and therefore temporarily closed for repairs. Mr. Bibeau suggested that the MRC's Urban Infill Working Group request that the County provide an update of the status of the NW 17 th Avenue Bridge repair schedule. Ms. Long stated she believes she saw a posted sign noting the NW 17 Ave bridge repair project would be completed in 2010. MRC Urban Infill Working Group Chair Murley noted the 2 nd Ave Bridge replacement had excellent public information outreach, and the NW 17 Ave, NW 5 ST, NW 12 Ave Bridge projects would benefit from increased public information, especially considering the compacted impacts recently created when temporarily closing the NW 17 Ave Bridge for repairs.
The meeting adjourned.
September 10, 2007 | THIS IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT
Mr. Eric Buermann, Chair of the Miami River Commission (MRC), convened the meeting at noon, Monday, September 10, 2007, Robert King High, New Board Room, 1407 NW 7 Street, Miami, Florida.
Miami River Commission Policy Committee Members and/or Designees attending:
- Eric Buermann, Chair of the Miami River Commission
- Philip Everingham, Vice-Chair of the Miami River Commission
- Lubby Navarro, designee for County Commissioner Bruno Barreiro
- Megan Kelly, designee for Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce
- Richard Dubin, President of the Miami River Marine Group
- Adam Lukin, designee for Dana Nottingham , Downtown Development Authority
- Carmen Polanco, designee for Sara Babun
- Sallye Jude, Neighborhood Representative, Appointed by Miami-Dade County
- Dr. Ernie Martin , Neighborhood rep., appointed by Miami City Commission
- Manny Prieguez, Member-at-Large, appointed by Miami City Commission
MRC Staff:
- Brett Bibeau, Managing Director
- Ashley Chase, Assistant Managing Director
Others attending interested in the River:
- Jim Murley, Florida Atlantic University
- Robert Weinreb, City of Miami
- Marina Blanco-Papo, Miami-Dade DERM
- Evan Skornick, South Florida Water Management District
- Lucy Perez, SFWMD
- Fran Bohnsack, Miami River Marine Group
- Jeffrey Hooper, AME Shipping
- Mark Bailey, Merrill-Stevens
- Alma Llinas Keyes Realty
- Patricia Harris
- Rebecca Long
- Mark Sell
- Skeet and Becky, riverfront residents in Spring Garden
- Theo Long, Grove Park resident
I. MRC Chair Report
Chair Eric Buermann noted the MRC did not have quorum therefore would not take votes defer motions related to the September 10, 2007 MRC minutes to the MRC's November 5, 2007 meeting.
Chair Buermann stated the 12 th Annual Miami Riverday festival is scheduled for April 19, 2008 . Chair Buermann thanked MRC board Member Sallye Jude and Ms. Patty Harris for volunteering to assist with the planning of this year's free Miami Riverday festivities. On behalf of the MRC, Chair Buermann expressed his sincere appreciation of all the generous Miami Riverday sponsors, and encouraged them, as well as any potential newcomers, to contact MRC staff regarding next year's available benefits. Chair Buermann noted he intends to become a sponsor for the 2008 Riverday festival.
Chair Buermann stated he was pleased to announce that the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) had renewed the MRC's $250,000 appropriation for FY '08, which started today. Mr. Evan Skornick , SFWMD, confirmed the appropriation and stated a $3 million for the Miami River Maintenance Dredging project was also recently adopted to the FY 2008 budget. Mr. Brett Bibeau, MRC Managing Director, thanked SFWMD representatives Mr. Buermann and Mr. Skornick for their hard work and support. Mr. Skornick noted both budgeted items will be finalized by the SFWMD Governing Board in November. Mr. Bibeau noted that, thanks to the recent $3 million SFWMD line item, the $9-$13 million federal funding shortfall due to complete the $86 million project is now $6-$10 million; and, Miami-Dade County would therefore seek $10 million from the State during the 2008 legislative session, and the SFWMD will apply for a $3 million FIND grant in 2008. Mr. Buermann noted FY '08 is the last fiscal year under the project's 5 year contract, so its essentially now or never. The MRC discussed if the necessary remaining funding to complete the project under the current 5 year contract and price is not secured in 2008 from the ST and FIND, the locals could issue a bond issue and use the reoccurring stormwater utility fees for the bond / loan payments, since the stormwater system is the River's leading pollutant source.
Chair Buermann noted he has authorized MRC staff to submit a Harvard Innovations in Government $100,000 grant application.
II. MRC Subcommittee Reports
a. Dredging Subcommittee (DSC) – Chair Eric Buermann provided the following Miami River Maintenance Dredging Project report:
On May 24, 2007 the ACOE awarded dredging in the projects next acceptance sections 7 & 8 of 15, using the currently available $7 million federal cost share, which consists of the remaining $3.5 million appropriation from Fiscal Year (FY) 2006 and the $3.5 million included in the FY '07 Continuing Resolution (CR). The current contract provides 60 days for the contractors to remobilize from the time of awarding Acceptance Sections, therefore the dredging contract required dredging to recommence by July 23, 2007 . The ACOE indicated their contractors requested a 120 day extension for their remobilization deadline, based on the timeline for the Boskalis sediment processing plant to return from overseas and to resolve a seawall related issue at the AME Shipping property, which the contractors lease as an additional sediment processing area. The ACOE is yet to make their decision regarding the contractors requested 120 day extension to recommence dredging, which elapses on November 20.
Chair Buermann noted Mr. Brett Bibeau had traveled to DC last week to support Miami-Dade County 's request for securing the record high $7.5 million included for the project in the U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee's FY '08 Energy and Water Bill, which is a $3 million (over 65%) congressional ad over the Honorable President's $4.5 million budget submittal. The US Senate and Dade Delegation, therefore did a tremendous job in successfully providing a significant Congressional ad over a woefully insufficient Administration's FY '08 budget request, based on the ACOE's flawed Benefit to Cost Ratio for the project, which only calculates the cargo benefits and omits all the project's additional benefits, including but not limited to the approved $55 million Merrill-Stevens Recreational Boatyard expansion, generating 350 additional full time jobs, which will only occur upon completing the dredging project. The House Bill deferred line items to a lump sum amount divided consistent with the President's budget submittal. Therefore, if Congress passes the FY '08 Energy and Water Bill, it would include $4.5 - $7.5 million for the Miami River maintenance dredging project. Similar to the last federal fiscal year, there is the potential for a Continuing Resolution (CR) which would provide all line items the lesser amount of either the President's FY '08 request or the previous FY '07 appropriation, therefore under another CR the project would be provided $3.5 million in the upcoming FY ‘08.
Chair Buermann deferred to Mr. Bibeau for a report on his Washington DC trip. Mr. Bibeau noted he had traveled with representatives of the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce (GMCC), and had met with representatives from the House and Senate Dade Delegations, Energy and Water Committee, and the Army Corps of Engineers, including Assistant Secretary of the Army (ASA) Woodley.
In August the Local Project Sponsor and ACOE executed an amendment to the Project Cooperation Agreement, in order to allow the immediate use of the previously appropriated local cost share, and any additional “non-required contributed” funds provided by the locals, including the ST's $5 million appropriation last session and the $3 million appropriated in the SFWMD's FY '08 budget, which is the District's first cost share towards finishing the 40% complete $86 million dollar project with no further delays under the current contract and flat rate per cubic yard removed established in 2004.
Chair Buermann clarified a misprint in a recent Miami Herald article which reported the Miami River dredging had been awarded $125 million, when in fact the Port of Miami dredging project was authorized for $125 million in the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA).
The Dredging subcommittee's next regularly scheduled third Wednesday of the month publicly noticed meeting will be held October 17, 2007, 10 am, at the South Florida Water Management District Miami-Dade Regional Office, Conference Room, 6 th Floor, 2121 SW 3 rd Avenue.
B. Urban Infill Working Group (UIWG) - Mr. Jim Murley noted the UIWG October agenda includes a follow up presentation from Mr. Nottingham regarding the DDA's draft Downtown Master Plan, which is scheduled to be presented to the full MRC in November. Mr. Murley stated the UIWG is also expecting a presentation from the new owners of the historically designated East Coast Fisheries. In addition, the UIWG will be meeting with the City of Miami to offer our assistance in implementing the river related components of the City's recently adopted Parks Master Plan. Ms. Ashley Chase, MRC Assistant Managing Director, stated Ms. Lara de Souza, City of Miami, will be providing a presentation of the Parks Master Plan at the Wednesday, October 10 Greenways Subcommittee meeting.
Mr. Murley noted the next UIWG meeting will be held October 10, 1407 NW 7 ST, at 9 am .
C. Greenways Subcommittee – Dr. Martin stated the Miami River Greenway remains under construction.
Dr. Martin noted that on September 27 City Commissioner Sarnoff placed on his District Agenda Items a discussion of the Miami River Greenway. Mr. Robert Weinreb , City of Miami , noted that the item may have been deferred, adding that the Commissioner had wished to discuss the future maintenance/governance of the Miami River Greenway.
Dr. Martin stated MRC-sponsored and coordinated Greenway clean-up events with hundreds of University of Miami volunteers are scheduled on Saturday October 6 and October 27, 10-noon, on the City owned on-road Greenways along S. River Drive from Jose Marti Park to NW 2 ST and along North River Drive from NW 3 ST to NW 6 Ave.
Chair Buermann noted securing the $750,000 match for the potential Florida Inland Navigation District (FIND), grant to fund half of the estimated $1.5 million seawall repair, is moving at a glacial pace, and it may interfere with dredging the mouth of the river if the contractors arrive before the new seawall is constructed allowing the remains of the collapsed seawall, which are in the federal navigable channel, to be removed.
Dr. Martin noted that-per the request of the MRC to compare City Commission approved Riverwalk cross-sections with as built and permitted dimensions-MRC staff will present two sets of approved Miami River Greenway cross sections during each Greenways subcommittee meeting. Dr. Martin added that the City of Miami has requested modifications to four of five of the private sector constructed riverwalk sections, because they were not consistent with the dimensions approved by the City Commission. Dr. Martin noted that the June Greenways minutes reflect a review of the Latitude on the River and adjacent Neo Vertika riverwalk's City Commission approvals vs. as-built dimensions, supplemented with the approved renditions and recent photographs of the subject as-built riverwalk sections. Dr. Martin stated that the Greenways subcommittee noted the City Commission approved riverwalk renditions for the aforementioned riverfront developments are wider than the as-built riverwalks, and the approved plans provide connectivity to adjacent riverwalk sections, while the as-built sections fail to connect. Therefore, Dr. Martin noted he and the Executive Committee directed MRC staff to advocate for the City to require the developers to make the necessary corrections to their riverwalks, in order to make them consistent with the Riverwalk dimensions unanimously approved by the City Commission.
The Greenways subcommittee's next regularly scheduled second Wednesday of the month meeting will be held on October 10, 2007 , 2 PM , 1407 NW 7 ST.
D. Stormwater Subcommittee - Mr. Bibeau stated that on September 11, the City Commission contracted CH2MHill for the design and permitting of the Wagner Creek & Seybold Canal Dredging project. The Subcommittee commends the City of Miami for making progress in achieving the long-term goal of dredging Wagner Creek & Seybold Canal . In addition, Mr. Bibeau noted the City Commission authorized an Interlocal Agreement in order for the Scavenger Decontamination vessel's existing $200,000 contract with the City of Miami , which provides 5 hours per week of service on the Miami River , to be supplemental with Miami Dade County 's additional $100,000 for additional service hours on the Miami River . Mr. Bibeau added that both items are consistent with the Miami River Basin Water Quality Improvement Plan and the Miami River Corridor Urban Infill Plan.
The Stormwater Subcommittee's next publicly noticed meeting will be held this Wednesday, October 3, 10 am , Miami River Inn, 118 S. River Drive .
E. Economic Development & Commerce - Co-Chair Megan Kelly stated the EDC's next meeting is scheduled on October 9, 3 PM , Robert King High.
III. New Business – No new items were addressed/discussed:
The meeting adjourned. |
Mr. Eric Buermann, Chair of the Miami River Commission (MRC), convened the meeting at noon, Monday, October 1, 2007, Robert King High, New Board Room, 1407 NW 7 Street, Miami, Florida.
Miami River Commission Policy Committee Members and/or Designees attending:
- Eric Buermann, Chair of the Miami River Commission
- Robert Villar, designee for Miami-Dade County Mayor Carlos Alvarez
- Megan Kelly, designee for Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce
- Adam Lukin, designee for Dana Nottingham , Downtown Development Authority
- Dr. Ernie Martin , Neighborhood rep., appointed by Miami City Commission
MRC Staff:
- Brett Bibeau, Managing Director
- Ashley Chase, Assistant Managing Director
Others attending interested in the River:
- Jim Murley, Florida Atlantic University
- Robert Weinreb, City of Miami
- Evan Skornick, South Florida Water Management District
- Gwin Tate , U.S. Coast Guard
I. MRC Chair Report
Vice-Chair Everingham welcomed Ms. Elena Licea, whom has replaced Ms. Carmen Polanco as Ms. Sara Babun’s designee on the Miami River Commission.
Vice-Chair Philip Everingham entertained a motion to approve the MRC’s September 10 and October 1 meeting minutes. The motion was seconded by Mr. Robert Ruano, and was unanimously adopted.
Vice-Chair Everingham noted the 12th Annual Miami Riverday festival has been rescheduled for April 12, 2008, in order to avoid conflicting with the recently scheduled Baynanza on April 19. Vice-Chair Everingham stated MRC Assistant Director Ashley Chase met with board member Sallye Jude last Thursday to continue working on the event. Vice-Chair Everingham added the MRC sincerely appreciates all of the generous Miami Riverday sponsors, which may contact MRC staff regarding your available benefits. Due to an increase in costs and decrease in sponsorships last year, Vice-Chair Everingham explained the MRC’s accumulated $20,000 start up amount was reduced to only $5,000, therefore if the event costs and income remain the same the MRC would incur a $10,000 expense to break even this year. Therefore, Vice-Chair Everingham recommended that if the projected free admission Riverday festival budget isn’t +$5,000 by the sponsorship deadline of mid Jan 2008, the event should regrettably be cancelled.
II. Presentation of Proposed “East Coast Eateries”- Mr. Richard Dubin, MRC, asked if his father-in-law, Mr. Peter Swartz, is associated with the currently proposed project, and Ms. Vicky Garcia Toledo, Bilzin Sumberg, replied that Mr. Swartz was the former owner of the subject parcel, yet had sold the historic restaurant, “East Coast Fisheries”,
and the upland parcel to her Los Angeles based client 2-3 months ago. Ms. Garcia Toledo presented new proposed plans for the historic landmark East Coast Fisheries and adjacent waterfront properties located between the Flagler Bridge and the 1st Street Bridge on North River Drive. Ms. Garcia Toledo stated the project proposes to maintain the historically designated East Coast Fisheries structure, and on the adjacent vacant portion of the riverfront parcel create a new four level structure which will consist of a center publicly accessible open air east-west plaza, bar and two seafood markets on the ground floor, with three floors of seafood restaurants above; a 30 foot wide publicly accessible garden entrance will be created and serve as a buffer between the historically designated and proposed new structure. Ms. Garcia-Toledo noted the developer had formerly envisioned constructing a 10-foot cantilevered publicly accessible dock/riverwalk over the concrete seawall along the river, yet after presenting this concept with regulatory agencies and realizing a difficulty in obtaining the necessary permits, had decided to forego this idea. The Ms. Garcia-Toledo noted the revised proposed project will now feature a 12.5 foot-wide publicly accessible riverwalk, between the shoreline and proposed new structure, with public access via entering in the 10 foot setback between the 1ST ST Bridge and the proposed new structure on the south, the plaza in the middle and the garden area to the north. The proposed three levels above the 12.5 foot ground floor building setback from the riverfront cantilever over the riverwalk, and a foot of the river. Ms. Garcia Toledo noted the developer owns the upland site across the street from the proposed project on North River Drive between 1st ST and Flagler, which is proposed to become a 100 spot surface parking with water features and an ornamental fence facing the streets. Ms. Garcia Toledo stated due to the size of the proposed restaurants, the City is requiring 300 parking spots, therefore she is trying to work out an agreement with the Miami Parking Authority for use of the additional adjacent surface parking lots beneath I-95 which they manage via an agreement with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT). Ms. Garcia-Toledo stated the developer is seeking City approval of a special exception for 200 of the required parking spaces, in addition to a special exception to allow for valet.
Ms. Garcia-Toledo introduced Mr. Omar Morales, project architect, whom presented a proposed site plan:
- Will reactivate 1920s-inspired look; capture the “working river” concept of the Miami River and create a waterfront entertainment destination
- Proposed project will refurbish the East Coast Fisheries historic building, maintain the outside shape and original mural sign and rename it “East Coast Eateries.” Historic East Coast Eateries structure will function solely as 2 indoor dining areas; The inside of the currently four story historic structure will be converted into a 2 high-ceiling dining rooms with 18-foot-high ceilings
- The potential developer demolished the former buildings on the site, which were not designated historic
- Proposed new restaurants are designed with a moveable screening exterior device, replicating the look of lobster traps.
- 10-foot-wide setback on the south end of the property adjacent to 1st Street Bridge; foresee connection beneath bridge to riverfront pocket park
Dr. Ernie Martin noted the proposed project is important for reactivating this portion of the Miami River Greenway and the revitalization of Downtown. Dr. Martin added the long-term goals of this area is furthered by this proposed project, as the concept is compatible with the recommendations of the Miami River Corridor Urban Infill Plan, which recommends a Fisherman’s Wharf in this general area with water-related activities. Dr. Martin noted the City of Miami is currently constructing an on-road Greenway on North River Drive, between the subject riverfront and upland parcels. Dr. Martin noted the Miami River Greenway Action Plan recommends any new construction be consistent with City Charter riverfront building setback formula and provide a publicly accessible minimum 20 foot wide riverwalk consisting of a 16 foot wide unobstructed pedestrian path and a 4 foot wide passive zone featuring decorative lighting, landscaping, way-finding signage, historic markers, bike racks, trash receptacles, etc. Dr. Martin the narrow site’s proposed 12.5 foot wide riverwalk is therefore narrower than the recommended minimum width, and asked if it would be open to the public when the restaurant is closed, and the nature of public access along the proposed riverwalk considering the sites restaurant uses. Ms. Garcia-Toledo replied the proposed project’s publicly accessible riverwalk will provide public access via entering in the 10 foot setback between the 1ST ST Bridge and the proposed new structure on the south, the plaza in the middle, and the 30 foot wide open garden area to the north will feature open access to the river and back to North River Drive. Ms. Garcia-Toledo added that the restaurant spaces maybe secured without blocking public access to the aforementioned riverwalk areas 24 hours per day, seven days per week. Ms. Garcia-Toledo noted the City Charter requires a 50-foot riverfront building setback for new developments along the Miami River east of the 5th Street Bridge, unless the parcel is less than 200-feet-wide. Since the subject property is east of the NW 5 ST Bridge and is less than 200-feet-wide, Ms. Garcia-Toledo noted the City Charter requires a minimum setback equal to 25% of the property depth. Ms. Garcia-Toledo stated the average lot width (shoreline to street) is an estimated 49 feet; therefore the City Charter required building setback from the shoreline is an estimated 12.5 feet, which is being provided on the first floor only. Ms. Garcia-Toledo stated this revised plan now meets the city charter riverfront building setback requirement. Mr. Peter Bockweg, City of Miami, stated the City administration is yet to determine whether or not the project’s currently presented riverfront building setback will require the City Commission to consider a waiver to the city charter waterfront building setback formula.
Mr. Jim Murley, Chair of the MRC’s Urban Infill Working Group (UIWG), noted the UIWG’s October 10, 2007 minutes and Development Technical Review Form commented on the previous presented design, which featured no riverfront building setback. Therefore he had explored ideas and potential solutions with the presenters, and this is the first time the group has reviewed the current revised proposal. Mr. Murley noted the proposal is conceptually consistent with the Miami River Corridor Urban Infill Plan. Mr. Murley noted due to the narrow site, the Miami River Greenway Action Plan’s recomended minimum 20 foot wide riverwalk area is wider than the city charter required riverfront building setback formula, therefore the provided 12.5 foot setback should be an unobstructed publicly accessible riverwalk. Mr. Murley asked Mr. Morales to explain the concept behind the columns featured on page A1.3, which he believed were obstacles to an unobstructed riverwalk pathway. Mr. Morales noted the aluminum columns, which are 6-inches in diameter, are architectural, structural components to support the restaurants above. Mr. Murley noted the riverwalk exit featured in A2.5 should serve as a clear, publicly accessible path. Mr. Murley suggested that the developer work with the appropriate agencies to maximize public access. Mr. Murley stated the presentation noted a 30 foot wide open garden publicly accessible entrance connecting to the riverwalk, yet the drawings depict a 5 foot wide door from the street to the area, which should be widened.
Ms. Jane Caporelli, MRC, expressed her concern over the historic building’s continued exposure to the elements without secured windows. Mr. Morales noted the developer is committed to refurbishing and securing the historic East Coast Fisheries, and had performed extensive structural analysis of the building. Ms. Garcia-Toledo noted she would like to work with the MRC, City of Miami and the Florida Department of Transportation to beautify the public right of way by making public greenspaces beneath the and adjacent to the 1st Street and Flagler Bridges. Ms. Garcia-Toledo added the potential developer is willing to “adopt” clean up and maintain the adjacent public rights of way. Mr. Murley noted some of the conceptual amenities depicted on the renderings, immediately adjacent to the bridges, are public rights of way, therefore there should not be restaurant tables blocking public access rather inviting publicly waterfront greenspaces on the adjacent City and FDOT public rights of way. Dr. Martin noted the public must always have open access pathways through restaurant table tables.
Mr. Robert Ruano, MRC, inquired about the widths of the publicly accessible pathways connecting the on-road greenway on North River Drive to the publicly accessible riverwalk. Mr. Morales stated the sideyard public pathway connecting to the riverwalk on the 1st ST Bridge side is 9 feet wide, the publicly accessible riverwalk is 12.5 feet wide and the garden area is 30 feet wide with some restaurant tables and some public pathway. Mr. Ruano asked if the outdoor dining terrace may prohibit people from walking through, and Mr. Morales replied that the area will be conducive to public accessibility/activity. Mr. Ruano asked if the developer can commit to a 12.5 foot-wide publicly accessible riverwalk, and Mr. Morales replied the developer can commit to at least 10 feet unobstructed pedestrian path through the 30 foot wide garden area. Mr. Ruano asked if the potential developer was offering to fund the aforementioned improvements to the public right of way, and Ms. Garcia-Toledo replied yes, they were willing to fund, create and maintain a public riverfront greenspace on the City right of way. Mr. Ruano asked if the proposed new cantilevered building structure overhangs the river’s bulkhead, and Mr. Morales replied yes, the City of Miami’s Public Works Department had approved the presented concept of three levels of terraces slightly overhanging the Miami River.
Mr. Brett Bibeau, MRC Managing Director, asked for more information about the green wall/door featured in A.25, and Mr. Morales clarified that the door located in the main entrance is five-feet wide. Mr. Bibeau asked since the 30 foot wide garden space has a 10 foot wide publicly accessible pathway connecting the on-road greenway to the riverwalk, may the depicted 5 foot wide entrance to the 30 foot wide garden area be widened to at least a 10 foot wide entrance, consistent with the pathway, and Mr. Morales agreed to widen the portal to a minimum 10 feet.
Mr. Manny Prieguez moved the UIWG recommendation to find the proposed “East Coast Eateries” consistent with the Miami River Corridor Urban Infill Plan’s intent for the “lower river. Mr. Bibeau read the UIWG’s conditions into the record, as stated in the UIWG October 19, 2007 Development Technical Review Form: 1) potential developer provides a riverfront building setback for new construction consistent with the City Charter setback formula; 2) provide a publicly accessible riverwalk within the City Charter required setback area, connecting to the publicly accessible North River Drive on-road greenway, the proposed publicly accessible riverwalk section to the south beneath the 1st Street Bridge on FDOT owned riverfront public right of way, and to the north connecting with the on-road greenway in front of the historic East Coast Fisheries. The motion was seconded by Dr. Ernie Martin with an additional condition that the 30 foot wide garden area between the historic and new restaurant structures provide a minimum 10 foot wide entrance and publicly accessible pathway. Mr. Prieguez amended his motion to remove the first UIWG condition so the project moves forward, and agreed with Mr. Murley’s suggestion to move the pillars to the edges of the maximized publicly accessible 12.5 foot wide setback and riverwalk area. The motion was unanimously adopted.
III. Presentation of Draft Downtown Miami Master Plan: Urban Design & Transportation - Mr. Bernard Zyscovich, Zyscovich, Inc., presented a Power Point of the draft “Downtown Miami Master Plan: Urban Design & Transportation.” Mr. Zyscovich addressed the following items, pertaining to the Miami River:
- Downtown Miami is broken into 12 sub-districts; the Miami River is identified as a sub-district and they have agreed to the MRC Urban Infill Working Group’s recommendation to extend the Miami River boundary to the confluence of the Miami River and Biscayne Bay on the River’s north shore in between One Miami and the Hotel Intercontinental
- Major project proposals include three alternatives for an area including the River’s North shore from the Brickell Bridge to I-95 including the riverwalk, Hyatt Regency, James L Knight Convention Center, etc. The UIWG noted the James L. Knight Convention Center area is the only entertainment / convention facility along the riverwalk. Mr. Zyscovich noted the city is currently evaluating future plans for the existing James L. Knight Convention Center.
- Creation of Interpretive Urban Eco-Park (+/-19 acres): relocate all parking beneath I-95 on the north shore of the Miami River into a parking garage at an unknown location to create an urban eco-park, which provides an opportunity for rainwater to return to the aquifer. Mr. Zyscovich stated the draft plan considers relocating the City of Miami’s administration building to a proposed new building adjacent to Miami-Dade County’s Government Center, and then the City of Miami may sell the “Miami Riverside Center” which currently houses their administration on the River’s north shore at 444 SW 2nd Ave.
- Improve Flagler/Brickell transit loops and Downtown connectivity; streetcar expansion (along both sides of the river) or alternative technology; widen sidewalks, increase tree canopy recently implemented a shuttle bus/loop from Brickell to Brickell Key and another from Port Boulevard to Government Center.
- Improve the quality and livability of Downtown and support Downtown’s economic and social activities
- Provide an “Urban Forest”: provide a minimum overall 15% tree coverage (=50% street tree coverage); provide for proper tree selection, placement and planting. Average City tree canopy is 5% and the City of Miami’s is .5%
- Improve stormwater run-off and drainage
- 50% Goal: 50% vehicles and 50% pedestrians
Vice-Chair Everingham inquired about the timeframe to complete the plan, and Mr. Zyscovich replied it is a multi-faceted plan and each recommendation has its own timeline. Mr. Nottingham, DDA, stated the 25 year plan has specific short term goals.
Miami River Commission’s Urban Infill Working Group Chair Murley stated the provided UIWG’s October 10, 2007 minutes reflect his recommendation for the MRC to find the “Downtown Master Plan” consistent with the Miami River Corridor Urban Infill Plan and the Miami River Greenway Action Plan subject to requiring completion of the Miami River Greenway, which was agreed to by the DDA, extending the Miami River sub-district boundary to include “One Miami” and the “Epic”, which the DDA has agreed to, and pursuing an option for the James L. Knight Convention Center portion of the Riverwalk, which maintains a public theater / convention center type use. Mr. Murley noted any potential specific options for that area would come back to the MRC for further consideration. Mr. Zyscovich suggested deleting the specific reference of the James L. Knight Convention center and convention center uses from the MRC’s advisory recommendation
Dr. Ernie Martin moved the UIWG’s recommendation to find the Draft Downtown Miami Master Plan: Urban Design & Transportation consistent with the Miami River Corridor Urban Infill Plan and the Miami River Greenway Action Plan, subject to the three conditions with the following revised third condition: the selected DDA option of the north shore Riverfront area immediately west of Brickell Bridge to include a public theatre use. The motion was seconded by Ms. Jane Caporelli, and was unanimously adopted.
IV. MRC Subcommittee Reports
A. Dredging Subcommittee (DSC) –Mr. Bibeau provided the following Miami River Maintenance Dredging Project report:
On May 24, 2007 the ACOE awarded dredging in the projects next acceptance sections 7 & 8 of 15, using the currently available $7 million federal cost share, which consists of the remaining $3.5 million appropriation from Fiscal Year (FY) 2006 and the $3.5 million included in the FY ’07 Continuing Resolution (CR). The current contract provides 60 days for the contractors to remobilize from the time of awarding Acceptance Sections, therefore the dredging contract required dredging to recommence by July 23, 2007. In October the ACOE denied their contractors request for a 120 day extension on their remobilization deadline, based on the timeline for the Boskalis sediment processing plant to return from overseas and to resolve a seawall related issue at the AME Shipping property, which the contractors lease as an additional sediment processing area. The ACOE’s contractors are therefore working towards remobilization, and should be fully setup and operational no later than February 2008.
Congress is yet to adopt an FY ’08 Energy and Water Bill. The U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee’s FY ’08 Energy and Water Bill includes a $7.5 million for the project, which is a $3 million (over 65%) congressional ad over the Honorable President’s $4.5 million budget submittal. The US Senate and Dade Delegation therefore did a tremendous job in successfully providing a significant Congressional ad over a woefully insufficient Administration’s FY ’08 budget request, based on the ACOE’s flawed Benefit to Cost Ratio for the project, which only calculates the cargo benefits and omits all the project’s additional benefits, including but not limited to the approved $55 million Merrill-Stevens Recreational Boatyard expansion, generating 350 additional full time jobs, which will only occur upon completing the dredging project. The House Bill deferred line items to a lump sum amount divided consistent with the President’s budget submittal. Therefore, if Congress passes the FY ’08 Energy and Water Bill, it would include $4.5 - $7.5 million for the Miami River maintenance dredging project. Similar to the last federal fiscal year, there is the potential for a Continuing Resolution (CR) which would provide all line items the lesser amount of either the President’s FY ’08 request or the previous FY ’07 appropriation, therefore under another CR the project would be provided $3.5 million in the upcoming FY ‘08.
Therefore after the last federal FY ’08 appropriation for the project which will be in the range of $3.5 - $7.5 million, only an additional estimated $6-$10 million will be needed to complete the 40% finished $86 million project. In order to obtain the final estimated $6-$10 million to complete the project, the MRC will again support the County’s $10 million ST appropriation request for the project in the 2008 legislative session and the SFWMD will apply in April 2008 for an additional $3 million grant towards the federal funding cost share balance due from FIND, whom has already awarded the project $6.68 million.
DERM is currently working towards collecting the previously appropriated estimated $30 million from the now 5 local project sponsor cost share partners, ST of FL, FIND, SFWMD, City and County. Their continued support is sincerely appreciated. Mr. Bibeau asked Ms. Marina Blanco Pape, DERM, if their forwarding the previously appropriated and yet to be expended funding to the ACOE remains on schedule in order to award additional acceptance sections before the dredgers complete the currently awarded AS 7 & 8, and Ms. Blanco Pape replied yes.
The over $55 million in utility relocations required by the ACOE are continuing to be completed prior to dredging within the subject utility crossing areas.
Due to Thanksgiving the regularly scheduled Third Wednesday of the month dredging subcommittee meeting has been rescheduled to Monday November 19, 10 AM, at the South Florida Water Management District Miami-Dade Regional Office, Conference Room, 6th Floor, 2121 SW 3rd Avenue.
B. Urban Infill Working Group (UIWG)- Chair Jim Murley noted the City of Miami has commenced the process of considering amendments to their Comprehensive Plan, consistent with their Evaluation Appraisal Report (EAR). Chair Murley noted the City has created an oversight board, for this process, in which City Commissioner Spence Jones appointed our Managing Director Brett Bibeau to serve on. As soon as the City administration provides their specific recommended Comp Plan amendments, Chair Murley noted the UIWG would bring them to the MRC in order to formulate our advisory recommendation.
The next UIWG meeting will be held November 14, 10 am, at the United Way, 3250 SW 3 Ave.
C. Greenways Subcommittee – Dr. Martin stated the Miami River Greenway remains under construction.
Dr. Martin stated the MRC sponsored and coordinated successful Greenway clean-up events with UM volunteers on Saturday October 6 and October 27, on the City owned on-road Greenways along S. River Drive from Jose Marti Park to NW 2 ST and along North River Drive from NW 3 ST to NW 6 Ave.
Dr. Martin noted that State Representative Luis Garcia, whose district includes the Miami Circle, received a letter from FIND stating they would be willing to consider a grant application as soon as it is submitted to fund half of the estimated $1.5 million seawall repair, which would therefore require a $750,000 match. The ACOE has indicated if the remains of the Department of State’s collapsed seawall are still in the federal navigable channel when the dredgers arrive at the Brickell Bridge, they will not allow the mouth of the river to be dredged. Since the Department of State requires spending authority granted by the full legislature even to spend funding from non ST sources, Dr. Martin recommended that the MRC suggest removing the time sensitive sea-wall repair from the Department of State, which has been unable to complete the project since 2001.
Dr. Martin noted that per the request of the MRC to compare City Commission approved Riverwalk cross-sections with as built and permitted dimensions, MRC staff will present two sets of approved Miami River Greenway cross sections during each Greenways subcommittee meeting. Dr. Martin stated the City of Miami has requested modifications to four of five of the private sector constructed riverwalk sections, because they were not consistent with the dimensions approved by the City Commission. Dr. Martin stated the City Manager’s Chief of Staff, Roger Hernstadt, convened a meeting with City Department Directors and MRC staff to discuss this issue, and the GSC remains grateful of his request to conduct similar quarterly meetings regarding the Greenway. Mr. Bibeau asked Mr. Robert Weinreb, City of Miami, for the status of the draft letters which Mr. Hernstadt directed the administration to write to Miami River developers regarding their proposed riverwalk dimensions, and Mr. Weinreb replied that the City of Miami Public Works Department was in the process of writing the aforementioned draft letters which they would provide the MRC before mailing to the subject developers. Mr. Weinreb added that there seemed to be a disconnect between city departments regarding riverwalk dimensions, but the city was taking steps to address the issue and create better oversight. Mr. Weinreb stated Mr. Bibeau did a good job demonstrating the issues at the meeting with Mr. Hernstadt.
Dr. Martin thanked the Miami Dade Public Works Department and Chairman Barreiro for their continued work towards using the $7.5 million Miami River Greenway line item in the County’s bond issue to create sections of publicly accessible riverwalks at County owned riverfront parcels.
D. Stormwater Subcommittee – Vice Chair Everingham asked to defer the report.
E. Economic Development and Commerce Working Group - Vice Chair Everingham asked to defer the report.
F. Public Safety - Dr. Bohnsack, Miami River Marine Group, reported that the next Miami River Homeland Security meeting will be held Tuesday, November 13, 2 pm, USCG Gator’s Den, and the item includes discussion of the creation of new “TWIX” identity cards, and a multi-port exercise to test individual shipping terminals.
Dr, Bohnsack asked MRC board members and meeting attendees to be on the look-out for two suspicious white males traveling along the Miami River in a skiff and using binoculars to scope areas before breaking into boats, homes and cars.
Mr. Bibeau reported while briefly in Sewell Park on a recent Friday afternoon, his car window was smashed and briefcase stolen from the backseat floor. Mr. Bibeau stated regrettably the briefcase had his DELL laptop computer and digital camera. Mr. Bibeau asked the MRC to supplement the previously approved $1,500 equipment line item in the MRC’s FY 2007 budget with an additional $2,500, and the MRC unanimously agreed. Mr. Bibeau noted he would pay for the $400 damage to his car window out of his own pocket and inquire whether his personal home insurance may cover the cost of the stolen equipment.
V. New Business –The following items were addressed/discussed:
Mr. Weinreb noted Cooper Robertson is presenting the draft Bicentennial Park Master Plan before the City of Miami Waterfront Advisory Board on November 13, 6:30 pm.
Ms. Lubby Navarro, MRC, thanked those whom attended County Commissioner Bruno Barreiro’s recent Town Hall meeting for an update on the NW 17th Avenue Bridge repair project. Ms. Navarro noted she would notify the MRC of a future community meeting they are planning to host as an update and continue to provide public information.
The meeting adjourned.
November 5, 2007 | THIS IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT
Mr. Philip Everingham, Vice-Chair of the Miami River Commission (MRC), convened the meeting at 11 am, Monday, November 5, 2007, United Way Ryder Conference Room, 3250 SW 3rd Avenue, Miami, Florida.
Miami River Commission Policy Committee Members and/or Designees attending:
- Philip Everingham, Vice-Chair of the Miami River Commission
- Robert Ruano, designee for City of Miami Mayor Manny Diaz
- Ed Swakon, President of the Miami Marine Council
- Lubby Navarro, designee for County Commissioner Bruno Barreiro
- Richard Dubin, President of Miami River Marine Group
- Steve Wright, designee for City Commissioner Joe Sanchez
- Jane Caporelli, designee for Sallye Jude, neighborhood rep. appointed by County
- Dr. Ernie Martin, Neighborhood rep., appointed by Miami City Commission
- Gary Winston, designee for District State Attorney Katherine Fernandez-Rundle
- Megan Kelly, designee for Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce
- Dana Nottingham, Downtown Development Authority
- Adam Lukin, designee for Dana Nottingham, Downtown Development Authority
- Ms. Elena Licea, designee for Ms. Sara Babun, Member-at-Large
- Manny Prieguez, Member-at-Large, Miami City Commission
MRC Staff:
- Brett Bibeau, Managing Director
- Ashley Chase, Assistant Managing Director
Others attending interested in the River:
- Jim Murley, Florida Atlantic University
- Robert Weinreb, City of Miami
- Pieter Bockweg, City of Miami
- Evan Skornick, South Florida Water Management District
- Lucy Perez, SFWMD
- Dr. Fran Bohnsack, Miami River Marine Group
- Vicky Garcia-Toledo, Bilzin-Sumberg
- Mario Zaldivar, East Coast Fisheries
- Carlos Gimenez, Bilzin Sumberg
- Omar Morales, Form Group
- Hector Hernandez, Form Group
- Bernard Zyscovich, Zyscovich, Inc.
- Trent Baughn, Zyscovich, Inc.
- John Hopkins, Green Mobility Network
- Mark Bailey, Merrill-Stevens
- Gayle Dubin, Caribbean Ship Services
- Mark Spanioli, DDA
- Jesus Vargas, Miami-Dade County
- Patricia Harris
I. MRC Chair Report – Chair Eric Buermann asked to entertain a motion regarding the MRC’s November 5, 2007 meeting minutes. Mr. Gary Winston moved for the MRC to adopt the November 5, 2007 meeting minutes, the motion was seconded by, Sallye Jude and unanimously adopted by the MRC.
Chair Buermann noted the 12th Annual Miami Riverday festival is now scheduled for Saturday, April 12, 2008, adding that MRC Assistant Managing Director Ashley Chase met again with board member Sallye Jude last Thursday to continue working on the event. Chair Buermann stated the MRC sincerely appreciates all of the generous Miami Riverday sponsors, which may contact MRC staff regarding their available benefits. Due to an increase in costs and decrease in sponsorships last year, Chair Buermann noted the MRC’s accumulated $20,000 start-up amount was reduced to only $5,000, therefore if the event costs and income remain the same, the MRC would incur a $10,000 expense to break even this year. Therefore, noted Chair Buermann, the MRC discussed last month that if the projected free admission Riverday festival budget’s estimated income doesn’t exceed expenditures before the sponsorship deadline of mid Jan 2008, the MRC should regrettably cancel the event. Chair Buermann stated he pledged his personal sponsorship for Riverday.
Similar to previous MRC sponsored informational Miami River Boat Tours, Chair Buermann noted the MRC is sponsoring two important upcoming groups for Miami River Boat Tours: First on December 5, 2007, the South Florida Ecosystem Restoration Task Force will take a one-hour informational Miami River boat tour, departing from the Hyatt Riverwalk at 7 PM, which he would like to authorize for $1,892. Second on January 8, 2008, the MRC has invited the Dade Delegation of Congress and the Legislature, the South Florida Water Management District, the Florida Inland Navigation District, Miami Dade-County, and the City of Miami on a 2-hour informational Miami River Boat Tour aboard the Island Lady from Bayside at 5:15 PM, which he would like to authorize for $3,942 - $5,565 based on attendance. Chair Buermann stated a portion of the available proceeds from Miami River map advertisements will be the funding source for these important informational Miami River Boat Tours for these important decision makers. Mr. Robert Ruano made a motion authorizing the MRC to sponsor the two upcoming Miami River boat tours on December 5, 2007 and January 8, 2008. The motion was seconded by Mr. Robert Villar, and was unanimously adopted.
Chair Buermann noted he was pleased to announce that Miami-Dade Commissioner Dorrin Rolle had recently appointed MRC Managing Director Brett Bibeau to the County’s new Manatee Protection Plan Review Committee.
Chair Buermann noted the adopted MRC’s November 5, 2007 meeting minutes indicate supplementing the MRC’s budget’s equipment line item by $2,500 to replace Mr. Bibeau’s stolen briefcase with lap top, digital camera, yet the MRC had lost quorum at the end of the meeting. Chair Buermann therefore suggested again approving the item. Dr. Ernie Martin made a motion to approve supplementing the MRC’s budget’s equipment line item by $2,500 to replace Mr. Brett Bibeau’s stolen briefcase with lap top and digital camera. The motion was seconded by Chairman Bruno Barreiro, and was unanimously adopted.
Chair Buermann noted MRC staff has distributed the Miami River Commission’s 2008 meeting calendar.
II. Presentation of Proposed “Campeones Boat Yard” – The MRC welcomed Mr. Mario Hernandez, owner of Campeones Boat Yard, a proposed renovated full-service marina equipped for 10 boats and a travel lift - at 600 NW 7th Avenue, along the east shore of the Seybold Canal, immediately south of the “humpback” Bridge. Mr Hernandez noted he emailed today’s presentation to MRC staff, which forwarded it to all MRC board members and designees one week prior to the MRC meeting. Mr. Hernandez distributed additional printed copies and stated the following additional information:
- Purchased unused boatyard three years ago and has been working towards bringing it into compliance in order for the previous marine industrial boatyard permits to be re-issued. Mr. Hernandez has agreed to everything requested by the Miami-Dade Environmental Resources Management (DERM) to re-issue the permits.
- Pleased with progress made with DERM which is expected to issue all permits shortly to return the boatyard site to operation.
- Mr. Hernandez noted per the request of DERM, he is installing a fence to separate the site’s adjacent dry and wet spaces
- Main building on site will be re-painted and the marina’s lot and parking lot will be resurfaced; existing structures will be maintained
- Will continue to work with MRC to help improve the Miami River
- Dr. Martin asked for the project’s exact location on the Miami River, and Mr. Bibeau pinpointed Campeones’ location on the Miami River enlarged aerial photograph and map
- Dr. Martin asked Mr. Hernandez if he had complied with all of DERM’s standards and requested changes, and Mr. Hernandez replied that he is currently making all of the requested changes; Mr. Hernandez noted Mr. Lee Hefty and Mr. Luis Otero, DERM, had not stated any objections to the proposed marina. Mr. Hernandez added that he believes DERM is pleased with his progress and will therefore reinstate permits previously allocated at the boatyard site
- Chairman Barreiro asked if there was anyone representing DERM whom could comment on the proposed project, and Ms. Marina Blanco-Pape, DERM, noted she was not familiar with the project
- Mr. Ruano asked Mr. Hernandez about the project’s relationship to the City, and Mr. Hernandez replied that no variances, exceptions or waivers are being requested from the City of Miami, yet he has requested that Miami-Dade County’s DERM reinstate the marina’s former permit for a 10 boat marina
- Mr. Ruano asked about the seawall’s current condition, and Mr. Hernandez replied that the seawall is in tact and the docks walking boards have been replaced
- Mr. Hernandez stated he has made a significant investment bringing the site into compliance with all requirements, including but not limited to the fence to separate the site’s upland dry slip spaces from the wet slip & travel lift, removal of old engines, resurfacing lots, painting & maintaining existing structures, etc. which is estimated to be completed by the 1st week of January 2008.
Ms. Sallye Jude stated the proposed renovated and reopened marina / boatyard sounds like an improved facility. Chairman Buermann noted it indeed proposes to clean up and renovate an old boatyard site.
Ms. Megan Kelly, Co-Chair of the MRC’s Economic Development & Commerce Subcommittee, stated their provided October 15, 2007 meeting minutes indicates the recommendation that the MRC find the proposed commercial full service marina consistent with the Miami River Corridor Urban Infill Plan. Mr. Manny Prieguez made a motion that the MRC finds the proposed “Campeones Boat Yard” consistent with the Miami River Corridor Urban Infill Plan. The motion was seconded by Dr. Ernie Martin, and unanimously adopted.
III. MRC Subcommittee Reports
a. Dredging Subcommittee (DSC) – Chair Buermann provided the following Miami River Maintenance Dredging Project report: On May 24, 2007 the ACOE awarded dredging in the projects next acceptance sections 7 & 8 of 15, using the currently available $7 million federal cost share, which consists of the remaining $3.5 million appropriation from Fiscal Year (FY) 2006 and the $3.5 million included in the FY ’07 Continuing Resolution (CR). The current contract provides 60 days for the contractors to remobilize from the time of awarding Acceptance Sections, therefore the dredging contract required dredging to recommence by July 23, 2007. In October the ACOE denied their contractor’s request for a 120 day extension on their remobilization deadline, based on the timeline for the Boskalis sediment processing plant to return from overseas and to resolve a seawall related issue at the AME Shipping property, which the contractors lease as an additional sediment processing area. The ACOE’s contractors are therefore working towards remobilization, and should be fully setup and operational no later than February 15, 2008. The hydraulic excavator, Barredor Del Rio, has returned to the River, the Boskalis sediment processing plant is being loaded onto a ship, and the plant site’s seawall is being repaired.
Congress is yet to adopt an FY ’08 Energy and Water Bill. As you recall the U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee’s FY ’08 Energy and Water Bill includes $7.5 million for the project, which is a $3 million (over 65%) congressional ad over the Honorable President’s $4.5 million budget submittal. The US Senate and Dade Delegation therefore did a tremendous job in successfully providing a significant Congressional ad over a woefully insufficient Administration’s FY ’08 budget request, based on the ACOE’s flawed “benefit to cost ratio” for the project, which only calculates the cargo benefits and omits all the project’s additional benefits, including but not limited to the approved $55 million Merrill-Stevens recreational boatyard expansion, generating 350 additional full time jobs, which will only occur upon completing the dredging project. The House Bill deferred line items to a lump sum amount divided consistent with the President’s budget submittal. Therefore, if Congress passes the FY ’08 Energy and Water Bill, it would include $4.5 - $7.5 million for the Miami River maintenance dredging project. Similar to the last federal fiscal year, there is the potential for a Continuing Resolution (CR) which would provide all line items the lesser amount of either the President’s FY ’08 request or the previous FY ’07 appropriation, therefore under another CR the project would be provided $3.5 million in the upcoming FY ‘08.
Therefore after the last federal FY ’08 appropriation for the project which will be in the range of $3.5 - $7.5 million we will only need an additional $6-$10 million to complete the 40% finished $86 million project. In order to obtain the final $6-$10 million to complete the project, the MRC will again support the County’s $10 million ST appropriation request for the project in the 2008 legislative session and the SFWMD will apply in April 2008 for an additional $3 million grant towards the federal funding cost share balance due from FIND, whom has already awarded the project $6.68 million.
Chair Buermann asked Mr. Villar if Miami-Dade County had already submitted its CBIR, and Mr. Villar replied that the CBIR is being submitted. Chair Buermann noted staff of the Honorable Governor Charlie Crist are supportive of the Miami River Maintenance Dredging project, and to his knowledge, the Governor himself remains in support of the project’s completion. MRC staff distributed Mr. Buermann’s October and November letters to the Governor, supporting the County’s $10 million request.
Chair Buermann stated DERM is currently working towards collecting and transferring the previously appropriated and yet to be expended estimated $33 million, from the now 5 local project sponsor cost share partners, ST of FL, FIND, SFWMD, City and County, which is sufficient to award dredging within Acceptance Sections 9-12. This is a critical time sensitive lynch pin to the project. Then new appropriations are needed to award dredging within the final acceptance sections 13-15, which costs an estimated $10.5 million
Chair Buermann stated the ACOE’s 5 year contract deadline to receive all remaining funding to complete the project is effectively July 31, 2008. The current contract sets the price as a flat rate per cubic yard removed, and if we are unable to complete the project under the current contract any potential new contract is expected to become more expensive. Chair Buermann noted since the dredging is proceeding towards the mouth of the Miami River, all of the projects benefits depend on its completion. Therefore the dredging subcommittee is working towards the distributed estimated timeline and funding summary to ensure after remobilization the project is completed under the current contract without further interruptions and delays.
The over $55 million in utility relocations required by the ACOE are continuing to be completed prior to dredging within the subject utility crossing areas.
MRC staff distributed the following documents:
- “Miami River Maintenance Dredging completion estimated timeline (subject to available funding) as of November 16, 2007, subject to change, based on the Dredging Contractor’s estimate of 1,900 cubic yards per day, prepared by the Miami River Commission’s Dredging Subcommittee”
- “Miami River Maintenance Dredging completion estimated timeline as of November 16, 2007, subject to change, based on an estimate of 1,900 cubic yards per day, prepared by the Miami River Commission’s Dredging Subcommittee”
- “Miami River Maintenance Dredging Project’s Funding as of November 20, 2007 (w/USACE 15% Overhead)”
- “Miami River Maintenance Dredging Project’s Estimated Available Local Funding as of November 20, 2007”
- DERM’s “Miami River Dredging Project - Cost Sharing Projections 2006”
- October 31, 2007 letter from U.S. Coast Guard Captain/Sector Miami Commander Karl L. Schultz to Mr. Jere Lahey, State of Florida Department of Management Services, regarding the status of the Miami Circle’s collapsed seawall stating “The Coast Guard has received notice from the Army Corps of Engineers that they will be dredging in the vicinity of the collapsed seawall as early as August 2008…It is strongly recommended that the collapsed section of the seawall be removed prior to the Army Corps dredging in the area.”
- November 29, 2007 Miami Today article, “Seawall Recovery May Slow Dredging”
- November 22, 2007 Miami Today article, “Miami River Dredging to Recommence Feb. 15”
The next regularly scheduled Third Wednesday of the month dredging subcommittee meeting is December 19, 10 AM, at the South Florida Water Management District Miami-Dade Regional Office, Conference Room, 6th Floor, 2121 SW 3rd Avenue. Chair Buermann noted he maybe in Tallahassee that day, and discussed the possibility of rescheduling the meeting to Tuesday, December 18. Chair Buermann added if quorum is possible perhaps the MRC Executive Committee could meet immediately after at noon, December 18, 2121 SW 3 Ave. MRC staff agreed to keep board members, designees and members of the public informed of the potential meetings. MRC staff stated per standard operating procedure they would publicly notice the meeting at least one week prior.
B. Urban Infill Working Group (UIWG) - Chair Jim Murley stated the UIWG is submitting the “Miami River Short Sea Shipping Plan” concept to the Metropolitan Planning Organization for funding consideration. Chair Murley added the MRC is working on applying the general goals set forth in Governor Crist’s Executive Order regarding Climate Change along the Miami River.
C. Greenways Subcommittee – Dr. Martin stated the Miami River Greenway remains under construction.
Dr. Martin noted the MRC sponsored and coordinated a successful Greenway clean-up event with the Junior League of Miami volunteers on Saturday December 3 on the City owned on-road Greenway along S. River Drive from Jose Marti Park to NW 2 ST. Mr. Bibeau thanked the volunteers including Mr. Alex Adams, City of Miami Planning Department, who was in attendance at the MRC meeting.
Dr. Martin noted the Florida Inland Navigation District (FIND) awarded the State of Florida a grant to fund half of the estimated $1.5 million seawall repair, which requires a $750,000 match. The State has indicated they don’t have the match required to receive the awarded $750,000 FIND grant. The ACOE has indicated if the remains of the Department of State’s collapsed seawall are still in the federal navigable channel when the dredgers arrive at the Brickell Bridge, they will not allow the mouth of the river to be dredged. Dr. Martin noted MRC staff distributed a letter from the U.S Coast Guard to the State stating, “The Coast Guard has received notice from the Army Corps of Engineers that they will be dredging in the vicinity of the collapsed seawall as early as August 2008….It is strongly recommended that the collapsed seawall be removed prior to the Army Corps dredging in that area.” Since the Department of State requires spending authority granted by the full legislature in the 2008 session to spend the awarded FIND match, and the dredgers may arrive at the Brickell Bridge as early as September 2008, it doesn’t appear the Department of State will be capable of issuing an RFP, contracting, and removing the collapsed seawall from the federal navigable channel in time. Therefore the MRC continues to seek the awarded $750,000 FIND grant’s required $750,000 match and an entity capable of completing the project before September 2008.
Mr. Ruano asked about the Governor’s position on the Miami Circle issue, and Chair Buermann replied he has been in contact with the Governor’s office on the time sensitive item. Chair Buermann encouraged the City and County to submit letters to the Governor supporting the Miami Circle’s immediate seawall repair. Mr. Ruano asked if the MRC has officially written to the Governor requesting his support, and Chair Buermann replied not at this time. Mr. Ruano made a motion authorizing the MRC to write Governor Crist its recommendation to expedite the long awaited repairs to the State’s collapsed seawall at the Miami Circle site so that it doesn’t negatively impact the Miami River maintenance dredging project, and attach the related agency letters and article to the correspondence. Chair Buermann added additional similar letters should be sent from the City and County to the Governor. The resolution was seconded by Dr. Martin and unanimously adopted.
Mr. Ruano noted the City of Miami had previously hired a contractor to perform seawall repairs, and suggested the potential of piggybacking on the City’s existing contract to assist in expediting the contracting process for the time sensitive Miami Circle seawall repair project. Mr. Jim Murley, Chair of the UIWG, suggested contacting Mr. Johnny Martinez, District 6 Secretary for the Florida Department of Transportation because the collapsed Miami Circle seawall is directly adjacent to FDOT’s Brickell Bridge.
Per the request of the MRC to compare City Commission approved Riverwalk cross-sections with as built and permitted dimensions, Dr. Martin noted MRC staff continues to present two sets of approved Miami River Greenway cross sections during each Greenways subcommittee meeting. The City of Miami has requested modifications to four of five of the private sector constructed riverwalk sections, because they were not consistent with the dimensions approved by the City Commission. The City Manager’s Chief of Staff, Roger Hernstadt, directed the administration to draft letters to additional river developers requesting their riverwalks be modified in order to become consistent with the riverwalk dimensions presented and approved by the City Commission, yet the letters are yet to be drafted. Dr. Martin noted the GSC remains grateful that Mr. Herndstadt requested similar quarterly meetings regarding the Greenway, and our next meeting will be held in January 2008.
Dr. Martin noted the GSC is recommending that the City of Miami apply to the available Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Recreational Trails Program (RTP) grant opportunity for the construction of the riverwalk within Lummus Park.
Dr. Martin noted the issue of allowing public parking on the currently vacant parking lot adjacent to the riverfront Miami-Dade County Water and Sewer Department (WASD) sewage pump station continues to make slow progress. An assistant County Attorney
was recently assigned the responsibility of drafting an agreement between the WASD and Miami-Dade County General Service Administration, which would most likely administer the public parking lot. In addition, the County’s Public Works Department completed their survey for the site which is necessary to utilize the County’s Greenways line item in their bond issue to create a 22 foot wide riverwalk in this area, in addition to all County owned riverfront parcels which require riverwalks, such as beneath both shores of metro-rail (with new seawalls), south shore beneath metro-mover, 2nd Ave Bridge, and north shore beneath S. Miami Ave Bridge.
Dr. Martin noted Mr. Bibeau had attended the Florida Riverwalk Exchange Annual meeting on November 7, 2007 in Fort Lauderdale and was elected to be a Member-at-Large. The Florida Riverwalk Exchange members had expressed an interest in hosting their next annual meeting in Miami.
Ms. Jude noted litter is removed in Coconut Grove streets by city employees several times per week, and encouraged the city to maintain a similar level of service along City owned portions of the Miami River Greenway. Chair Buermann asked who is responsible for the ongoing maintenance of the Miami River Greenway, and Dr. Martin replied the individual owners of sections of the publicly accessible Greenway are responsible to maintain their sections, for example the City of Miami is responsible to maintain the on-road Greenway on City owned North and South River Drive. Chair Buermann recommended implementing an “Adopt a Greenway” system along the Miami River Greenway in an effort to promote public participation in the public greenways maintenance. Dr. Martin noted this was a good suggestion and part of the solution, which will require increased commitments as additional sections of the Greenway system are completed and will need frequent maintenance which will be difficult with recent reductions in available tax revenue.
The Greenways subcommittee’s next regularly scheduled second Wednesday of the month meeting will be held on December 12, 2007, 2 PM, United Way, 3250 SW 3 Ave.
D. Stormwater Subcommittee – Chair Sallye Jude noted the SSC’s November minutes reflect continued progress towards implementing the Miami River Basin Water Quality Improvement Plan. Ms. Jude stated the City of Miami estimates completion of the design, permitting and public outreach for the Seybold Canal and Wagner Creek dredging project by September 2008. Ms. Jude added the MRC Stormwater Subcommittee’s environmental regulatory agencies (including the City of Miami, DERM, WASD and SFWMD) are currently considering the different testing methods to continue seeking the pollution sources in Wagner Creek and Seybold Canal.
The Stormwater Subcommittee’s next publicly noticed meeting will be held this Wednesday, 10 am, Miami River Inn, 118 S. River Drive.
E. Economic Development and Commerce Working Group – Co-Chair Megan Kelly noted that although the Board of County Commissioners approved Miami Yacht & Engine Works appeal for modification of an existing Class I Permit in July 2007 to allow
Additional boats on the upland service area at 2100 NW North River Drive, the necessary permits are yet to be issued.
In addition, Ms. Kelly noted the EDC’s October 15 minutes reflect advocating for the implementation of the short sea shipping recommendation from the MRC’s recently adopted Miami River Corridor Multi-Modal Transportation Plan. Ms. Kelly stated this recommendation would interface with the Port of Miami to remove trucks from the downtown streets.
Mr. Bibeau stated the Florida Atlantic University economists, Dr. William Stronge and Dr. Lenore Alpert, whom are creating the MRC contracted Miami River Marine Industrial Economic Analysis, have provided a time extension amendment for execution, which would shift completion of the Analysis to March 1, 2008.
Dr. Bohnsack, Miami River Marine Group, stated the Mirage Yacht Builders were considering opening a boatyard on the Miami River at a site with a large boat slip next to the salinity dam. Dr. Bohnsack stated DERM refused to re-issue a required IW Permit which the site had previously been repeatedly issued. Mr. Richard Dubin asked for the item to be placed on an upcoming MRC agenda.
F. Public Safety – Mr. Gary Winston, Chair of the MRC’s Public Safety Subcommittee, noted he had requested Mr. Bibeau to obtain crime statistics for the Miami River corridor for the past 3 years, in order to determine recent trends. Mr. Ruano noted it was important to report crimes to the police, whom consider report data in determining patrol areas. Chairman Barreiro concurred, noting the importance of documenting each incident. Mr. Bibeau stated he had filed a police report and obtained a tracking number for the recent break and theft from his car while parked in Sewell Park. Ms. Sallye Jude stated she had filed numerous police reports this past summer regarding break-ins at her River area properties, and noted the Police had indicated an increase of crime in East Little Havana. Dr. Martin noted anecdotal reports of increased crime from residents in the riverfront Spring Garden neighborhood, and was glad the MRC is requesting the crime statistics for review. Dr. Martin noted he sees a police presence on land and marine patrol in the River.
Dr. Bohnsack, Miami River Marine Group, reported that the next Miami River Homeland Security meeting will be held in January 2008, 2 PM, USCG Gator’s Den. Dr. Bohnsack noted Mr. Joe Piñon whom serves as Chair of the Miami River Security Committee, recently went to work in Iraq as a security specialist.
V. New Business –The following items were addressed/discussed:
- Chairman Buermann recognized Mr. Manny Prieguez whom is the Chair of the recently created Manatee Protection Plan Review Committee. Mr. Prieguez thanked Chairman Barreiro for appointing him and noted their first publicly noticed meeting will be held on Monday, December 17. Mr. Prieguez encouraged meeting attendees to visit the county’s website to view all vacant seats on the Committee which need to be filled. Mr. Prieguez added to date only 8 members have been appointed; Chairman Barreiro stated the 16 appointments represent 50% water / boat users and 50% environmental representatives.
The next MRC meeting will be January 7, 2008, noon at the United Way, 3250 SW 3rd Ave.
The meeting adjourned. |
December 3, 2007 | THIS IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT
Mr. Eric Buermann, Chair of the Miami River Commission (MRC), convened the meeting at Noon, Monday, December 3, 2007, United Way Ryder Conference Room, 3250 SW 3rd Avenue, Miami, Florida
Miami River Commission Policy Committee Members and/or Designees attending:
MRC Staff:
- Brett Bibeau, Managing Director
- Ashley Chase, Assistant Managing Director
Others attending interested in the River:
- Jim Murley, Florida Atlantic University
- Robert Weinreb, City of Miami
- Alex Adams, City of Miami
- Jennifer Grimm, City of Miami
- Marina Blanco-Pape, Miami-Dade DERM
- Newton Blanc, Miami-Dade County
- Lucy Perez, South Florida Water Management District
- Mario Hernandez, Campeones Marina
- Dr. Fran Bohnsack, Miami River Marine Group
- Mark Bailey, Merrill-Stevens
- Matthew Maffai, Aon Risk Services
- Jesus Vargas, Miami-Dade County
- Patricia Harris
- Dan Ricker, Watchdog Report
C/O Robert King High • 1407 NW 7 Street, Suite D, Miami, FL 33125 • 305-644-0544 • Fax: 305-642-1136 • Contact us email |